Semi-custom roof rack fairing


I've owned 5 Subarus and have always used the old style large Yakima fairing for my roof racks.

I wanted to use a fairing for my OBXT, but I really don't like the hokie new style small Yakima fairing:


The old style is too wide to fit between the rails:


So I took one of my old fairings and carefully cut about 3.5" off both ends using a fine toothed saw (the plastic will crack if you aren't careful). I then filed the top corners so they were rounded, carefully drilled new mounting holes, and repainted it with black spray paint for plastic. The result is a narrower version of the old style fairing that works great and IMO looks good too. No sunroof issues either. I threw on an old Subaru decal I had and voila:




Makes me want a fairings soo bad, very nice! Have you thought about clearing the headlights? Or maybe some general grabbers? <---Beast mode

Nice job! Looks really professional!

How did you solve the sunroof issue? I'd like to put a fairing on my Thule, but I'm pretty sure it would scratch the heck outta the glass...
