

Rally Fluffer
16" and countingin Buxton :thumbsup:



Nice! I think we got about 10 - 12 here in SoPo. Took the Outback out this morning. Stopped at the Miss Portland diner for breakfast then stopped at EMS. EMS wasn't open yet so I just did a big donut in the parking lot. RE92A's are great for donuts.

Snow was awesome yesterday, donuts are a blast, ....
umm, lads...there IS more to winter driving than donuts!?

discovered a secret cul de sac at a new housing development houses, only one way in, about a mile and a half of twisty road with big old snowbanks and about 6" of freshies laid over top. Now lemme tellya THAT was fun! Used them snowbanks quite a few times...

Nigel's Rule Of Snowbanks: Hit snowbank with front of car = Bad......Hit snowbank with rear of car (from doors back) = :angel12: :angel12: :angel12: :angel12: :angel12: :angel12: :angel12:

Short version of the story: if you plan to play in the snowy woods, Bring Shovels :tard:

^ but donuts are fun.... :laughing1: I fear the snow banks, especially since they are like rocks right now. But, i hear ya, cruising through some twisties is fun, did that is a few neighborhoods. Cul de sacs are a blast too, my parents live on one, but they would have a fit if I torn around it... :nono: :nono:

jeesh you guys need to get out more!

I mean out of town, away from curbs/hydrants/buried VWs, and out into the boonies where there is more interesting stuff lurking in ditches, rocks, mailboxes, etc. :happy3:

in-town snowbanks are bad bad bad. country snowbanks generally MUCH friendlier.
