Stage 1 XPT

accessports are all well and fine. but they are also expensive as crap, and the maps in them are very conservative, and you should plan on running very rich.

opensource tunes on the other hand, are a third of the cost, and there are literally hundreds of them, for almost every setup. there are several people on here who will hook you up for short money.

ultimately, its up to you. i ran cobb for a couple years, and it was great. then i got a protune, and man, i can tell you, its night and day.

I like my AP because I park at DFW a lot and loading the engine kill map is handy. And the sneaky Valet map when the wife takes the STI for the day... Shh....

accessports are all well and fine. but they are also expensive as crap, and the maps in them are very conservative, and you should plan on running very rich.
opensource tunes on the other hand, are a third of the cost, and there are literally hundreds of them, for almost every setup. there are several people on here who will hook you up for short money.

ultimately, its up to you. i ran cobb for a couple years, and it was great. then i got a protune, and man, i can tell you, its night and day.
your funny phil you act as is if protunes are limited to opensource tuning set up only at least that's what the your last part of your quote sounds like

yea, at that point i had been up for 24 hours. still yet to sleep btw.

not even sure the point i was trying to make. all i was saying was, that ap ots maps, are usually very generic. cobb pro tune maps are grrrreat im sure, just as any other pro tune would be.

Accessports suck and opensource rulz. Hahaha it doesn't really matter. Like nailman said you pay a lot more for an accessport and there conservative tunes when you could do the same thing for a lot less and make more power. XPT ftw!

yeah i went stage 1 with xpt open source a few motnhs ago and it is amazing!! save your money get an opensource map and you can get the map and have it flashed for around 100 bucks you cant beat that. why spend 400 on a acessport? the only reason accesports are good is if you plan on having multiple tunes for dail driver track drag etc. if you want it tuned and dont want to touch it go opensource

Thanks guys, all great info. I think around the first of the year when i do the TBE, im gonna end up going down to boston for a tune, but does anyone know of a descent stage one map for a MY03?

I probably would have gone with an opensource tune. But I would have had to have someone build a map for me because I have a Forester. I went with a used Accessport. I really like it so far!!! It monitors all the stuff on the motor, and is easy to use as well.

xpt tuning

Thanks guys, all great info. I think around the first of the year when i do the TBE, im gonna end up going down to boston for a tune, but does anyone know of a descent stage one map for a MY03?