Stage Differences


New member
I am sorry if I am asking something that's been asked before but is there a list somewhere of exactly (part for part) what makes up each stage i.e. Stage 1, Stage 2 etc.? I havnt had my WRX very long but I have many future upgrades in mind. I want to upgrade/tune it right from the start so I dont wreck something. Engine mods wont come for a while but I believe in getting all the info I can before undertaking such a big job.

Thanks all!

Stage 1= Cobb AP with a Stage 1 flash

Stage 2= Cobb AP with a Stage 2 flash w/ a aftermarket downpipe

That is about it. After mods there is just that mods.

I guess a Stage 3 coule be a Pro-tune with the downpipe and some other mods. But, not sure.

What is an AP? And I assume you mean ECU reprogramming when you say flash right? Sorry I am not real familiar with terms associated to engine tuning yet. Also how much can I do safely without having to upgrade the running gear/pistons etc.

Access Port. Made by Cobb. Pretty much the only OTS(Off the shelf) programming tool that is availble for our cars.

Yes when I say Protune I mean ECU programming.

You have some options that way.

You can go and use Cobbs Pro software which only shops can buy and they use to tune your car then save the map to your AP unit

You can also go with a Open source. Pretty much a tuner uses his laptop and a software tool to tune the car then saves it to the cars ECU.

I have a Cobb AP with a couple of Pro Tuned maps right now.

But, soon as the motor is broken in I am going to let Bren Tuning do an Open Source tune and see what he can do with my new setup. I have heard good things about Bren so I hope it goes well.

Ok thanks for explaning it for me. So I gather it would be best to get all the parts I intend on installing then do everything at once.

AP = Accessport. You don't "need" it. Its just a delivery method of getting a tune on your car. You can get a tune flashed on your car via open source tune also. Its a preference only.

Stage numbers to me are nothing but a number. That being said stages one and two are pretty widely known in the Subaru community, and typically mean the same thing. Stage 1 can be done on a stock car, usually with nothing else involved maybe other then a high flow drop in air filter. And I guess in your case (09+ WRX's and STI's) a fuel pump. Stage 2 mean addressing the cats in your exhaust. They are VERY restricting, and once you've freed up some exhaust flow with a aftermarket downpipe, a stage 2 tune can be placed on the car with very noticeable benefits.

Stage 2 has been widely proven to be a very capable daily driver modification level. Keep in mind that even a stock car can have issues with drive train, and motor. But with the right driving practices, this is a safe power level for the stock internals and transmission.

If you get a aftermarket downpipe with a protune you will notice gobs of power diffrence.

Like Nate said it all comes down to prefrence far as the Cobb goes. I guess the only thing Cobb has going for it that Open source cannt do is the launch control the AP has on it far as the new V2's go.

Seeing how we are simi close to a good open source tuner I would say go with Bren. You will spend like $400 on a downpipe. You can install it yourself. If not then there are plenty of guys on here that would be willing to help you put it on. Then $150 for Brens tune. You are going to spend just $600 on the Cobb AP alone.

Thanks Nate and diabloadsit, that's what I was hoping to hear. I have noticed that a bigger turbo hasnt been mentioned yet does that mean all this can be done without it?

the newer wrx's use a pretty decent turbo out of the box. I would do your upgrading in steps. You will better appricaite the parts you buy and see the car grow. Also, the bigger turbo means bigger chances for stuff to break. do a exhust and protune and enjoy the car for awhile like that and learn to drive it.

Next (and this is what I should have done) buy suspension/brake mods and learn how to drive the car. Afterwards go for more power.

Oh heck yes. The VF52 turbo you have in the car has TONS of untapped potential. Your car setup from the factory hasn't even scratched the surface yet. You have LOTS more you can buy before you''ll need a turbo. And it's all in what your looking to get out of your car. If you want a potent daily driver, get yourself a nice stage 2 tune. You'll be near 300whp and be ready to toss a whooping on 90% of all cars on the road.

Ok I was planning on wheels/brakes first but was curious about engine stuff also.

Yeah I couldn't have said it better Nate, "potent daily driver"

And I guess in your case (09+ WRX's and STI's) a fuel pump. Stage 2 mean addressing the cats in your exhaust. They are VERY restricting, and once you've freed up some exhaust flow with a aftermarket downpipe, a stage 2 tune can be placed on the car with very noticeable benefits.
Stage 2 has been widely proven to be a very capable daily driver modification level. Keep in mind that even a stock car can have issues with drive train, and motor. But with the right driving practices, this is a safe power level for the stock internals and transmission.
My car is an 2008 WRX does that make a difference as far as what I can do with the stock running gear?

Opps sorry. For some reason I thought you had a 09. But, no it doesn't make one ounce of difference as far as running gear. All the 08+ cars have the same motor/trans.

Right, that, a few suspension differences, a few other exterior tweak are the only big differences.

Right. But most of the differences have been changed including: turbo, springs, sway bars.

Yeah its good to know I can do whatever I want with the car I was starting to question when I heard that there were differences between the two. I appreciate your help and paitence.


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