sti time attack (nice sounds and angle)

Holy Sidewall flex.... I'd like to know the tires that they are using... check out how far under the tire goes in the right turns...

tire flex? low splitter? hey guys, this is what track prepped race cars DO ya know.

nice lines, notice how car uses ALL of the track exiting fast bends....and did anybody notice a couple of locked brake moments?

at this super low angle, you can't see what turns are coming up, so it's kind of bewildering.

cool vid. I think that I will go out and get some footage with my gopro now

cool vid. I think that I will go out and get some footage with my gopro now
I was going to go for the gopro, until I found the sdr-s10 (passes mitary standards for thrashing and crashing, water)

it is only mpeg2..but sucking in 10mbit a second for a 704x480 vid. Sometimes the outcome is priceless.. just follow the rules of videography, light, wind, etc etc.

it has been 5 years or so since the big digital leap for bigger vids, cpu processing....and I still do not see good stuff as much as bad. Blame the markets craziness I could presume.
