STM member: Amac87: SUV Hits Apartment Building:

Which woman with black hair; the reporter or the one holding the mutt? Both of them have voices that go right through me.

Wonder if Spin knows...

the woman holding the identical child of hers [actually the mut is a tad bit cuter]. (She's my customer at work, and she makes appointments, but then shows up an hour early and demands certain rooms while someone is in them.)

I'm not too fond of the reporter either--- she reads like she's a cheerleader (NOT knocking cheerleaders-- JUST SAYING SHE'S NOT A GOOD REPORTER. She always sounds overly excited about her broadcasts- whether it's discovering a rare bug in the state of Maine or reporting on a very cold day).

I'm assuming this is Katie on Gabe's account... right?

Otherwise, Gabe changed jobs where there are "Rooms" reserved... at a junkyard? LOL.

But yeah, both of 'em are pretty wierd in their own manner.

Otherwise, Gabe changed jobs where there are "Rooms" reserved... at a junkyard? LOL.
that would be pretty funny! However I could totally see her going to a junkyard.

haha, correct (it's Kati)! :hello:

Anyway, not to hijack my own post.. so, that was quite a hit. I'm glad to see she's okay out of it, I know it's not her first accident and she handled this one quite well.

I for some reason can't see the video at work, but I glanced at the TV while they were reporting it last night. but I didn't recognize anyone.
