really I think mid coast is great, but man their accounting department is not all there... So we get several bills from our last visit (wife had a bad kidney stone), which we paid. a few weeks go by, we get a check for $100 from the hospital. ok, must have either over paid or the insurance ended up paying more, whatever.
guess what was in the mail waiting for us when we got home last night? A nice letter from a collection agency, collecting $100 we owe the hospital. :
morons. Collection agency was very nice, said this happens with the hospital on a fairly regular basis so we just paid them, nothing on our credit and if it ends up it was a mistake they'll send the $100 back...
Wonder how much money the hospital looses from this sort of stupidity?
guess what was in the mail waiting for us when we got home last night? A nice letter from a collection agency, collecting $100 we owe the hospital. :
Wonder how much money the hospital looses from this sort of stupidity?