Come on fella's, lets not only tell bits and pieces of the story here....
The JR + Subtle crap show on Dirty Impreza was twofold: Subtle had the same design as JR, alright fine who cares. Second problem, which I felt was the bigger one, was people didn't like Subtle trying to undercut a local guy. Jackson Rally contributes to DI, has run a car with big Dirty Impreza banners, and is part of the scene. Who ever was running the Subtle account was abrasive in my opinion, in response to the DI members.
Analogy time: WRXnate runs Mainely Subaru's and is a good guy who contributes to the community. He also sells custom made shift knobs. Now imagine some out of state guy/company registers an account on Mainely, posts a thread saying "Hey, I make custom shift knobs", and it turns out they're very similar to WRXnate's and priced 5 bucks cheaper and publicly asking for vendor status. Would you guys embrace this new company, saying business is business, or tell the guy to go pound sand? Hope this puts things in perspective better as to the DI community's reaction.
JR and Subtle are "in talks" now, that's the latest I've read.
Citing my sources:
Original Subtle blow out thread:
JR + Subtle in talk thread: