suddenly my legacy got a-lot lower ??????


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last night i had 4 people in the leggy and when we got where we were going my car had lost about 5 inches in the rear.?? i can't see anything broken or leaking but the car bounces like there is no struts. but i have blown struts before and my car just got bouncy, my springs are not broken, but my car is like i said 5 inches lower any ideas???? seen this before?

blown struts?
5" is pretty substantial drop for a normal load...

Cut the springs in the front to match the rear.


Dont listen to anythign im saying.

I'm sort of posting this to give ideas to people who know what they're talking about, but:

Can the springs come out of the mounts/tophats?

I'd bet broken springs or struts. Not much else would case that.

And 5", the rear end must almost be dragging on the ground. Muffler is in mortal danger ...

well i got it in the shop.... it seams that nothing is broken. but when i jacked it up the tires didnt drop down at all... weird eay? pics later but to be clear there is no broken parts ... i know that dont seem right but that's the facts. wish me

Hmmmm. Well seeing that when you jacked the rear that the wheel didnt drop like it should. Did you jam the strut up into itself (compress it hard) and its stuck up there? Maybe hitting some bumps while you had an extra 200-300lbs in the back jammed the strut up more then its done in a long time. Old struts have a tendency of gathering rust on the un-used section of the travel rod. You maybe with the extra weight jammed the rod up into the cartridge and its stuck there.

I'd tend to agree with the assessment of "Blown Struts" and subsequent "jammed onto themselves" so the suspension is completely collapsed and not rebounding at all. But, I would think that would result in a WICKED stiff ride - as in bone jarring/stiffest suspension you've ever seen type of ride. The fact that is it bouncy doesn't sound right unless the bounce is coming from the tires acting like rubber balls.

Definitely get the back end taken apart and check it out, but be extra careful around the struts/springs. If the strut is jammed and suddenly breaks free, you've got a LOT of energy built up in the compressed springs that is going to cause a real big problem.

BTW - when you looked at it, did it look like the springs are compressed or are the coils spaced out like the spring is at rest?

ok thank all of you for the input. i tore it apart yesterday and had a bit of good luck it was indeed the struts were frozen it seems that the end of the cylinder there is a slight taper and the piston had been driven into the taper and got lodged in the lowest possible position so with a little heat and a sludge hammer my car is now sitting back at its regular ride hight and the struts are acting normal. so yea weird one but its fixed ill post some pics when i figure out how to load them form my new phone. thank you all for your help.

ok thank all of you for the input. i tore it apart yesterday and had a bit of good luck it was indeed the struts were frozen it seems that the end of the cylinder there is a slight taper and the piston had been driven into the taper and got lodged in the lowest possible position so with a little heat and a sludge hammer my car is now sitting back at its regular ride hight and the struts are acting normal. so yea weird one but its fixed ill post some pics when i figure out how to load them form my new phone. thank you all for your help.
there are rubber bump stops that fit on top of the struts to stop this from happening, it's a pretty good bet that on your car those bump stops is blown as well.

i bet they are to. they are just my winter struts i got used out of a legacy alpine.. it gave me about 3 inches of lift so i dont plow snow all winter. yes ..i have a lifted 2.5 GT.they look good off the ground


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