Suggestion Thread

Lets see some ideas for decals. Im trying to firesale the remainder of the decals I have so I can order more. Im open to order suggestions so I can order something different.

I like the slcsubaru sticker



It's just an outline of some mts, maybe since we live in Maine we could do an outline of some trees? Would also relate with Evergreen Subaru...

Just putting it out there. The use of that trademarked Subaru logo is illegal. Just saying. But I get the point. Maybe I will get a thread going so members can submit for the next decal design.

More group drives and a redesigned sticker.

+1 group drives. how about one for each season? start planning the next one after just doing one drive? I know people have different schedules, but if planned far enough in advance, people should be able to get days off!

how about a big bbq/carshow in the summer or maybe a toy for tots drive or something like that
GMan casts resurrection spell!! [Thread is not dead!] Yes!! We need a toy run! I mean, just picture a bunch of Subies out cruisin' for a good reason. Ahhh.. Paradise.
Hoonanigans are always fun, but subarus being in the news for a good reason, Other than a dumb kid crashing his souped up subie!! would get the clubs name out there too!!
