Considering he just totaled the car, I think a sway bar is the least of his worriesI've got a 20mm STI (wont fit wagons) rear sway bar, brandy new, subaru labels still on it. 75bucks
The STi bar works on the GD's, you mount it on the outside of the lateral links and the effectiveness is reduced. Although it still works as my 25mm bounced me into a ditch matt, I know you dont need this, but STi bar does NOT work on our cars. It is a little bit too big lengthwise. It is posted all over rs25 so check it out to double check (if you end up getting a rear sway)
Probably the same. it works, but the effectiveness is slightly reduced due to the changed geometry. Sway bars are a bandaid for poor suspension. There are much better things you can change to get better results.Gc is the same. Mounts on the outside. Not sure how that would effect the handling.