

New member
Got my first one today...


im hooked, looking forward to the next one already.

Looks good! Where did you get it done? I have just one done at Pins-n-Needles in Portland.

a woman does it from her home outside the bangor area. she is good and is working on a portfolio to help her get into a full time shop. i will be going back to her for my next one.

Nice man, it looks awesome! They sure are addicting! I should have shown you my Subaru related tattoo that time I saw you in the shop. I had one of my bigger pieces done at Diversified Ink in Bangor.

really brave letting someone who doesn't have a lot of experience do something permanent on your body. Especially if its your first.

well i looked over her current portfolio and she does awesome work. i would def go back to her again...and she is REALLY easy on the eyes too

esp like the Peltor helmets and intercom booms that Calvin & Hobbes are wearing...good communication helps keep that wagon on the road!

esp like the Peltor helmets and intercom booms that Calvin & Hobbes are wearing...good communication helps keep that wagon on the road!
. I didn't realize they were rallying until I read your post! How negligent of me

Awesome tattoo. I'll never be getting one however, but I appreciate the art of them and of decorating your body a bit.

Nice one man, I'm trying to come up with my 5th. I get my work done at Tsunami in Portland. A fantastic shop, small and clean, excellent work.
