The Audi rebuild begins! ...again...

Ty Ty

New member
Just a little teaser from the slew of new parts that should be arriving soon.



Hopefully the beastie will be back on her feet by the end of the summer.

Doing a little bit of head work once the first batch of new parts comes in, then we can put the head back together, get a the new parts together in the bottom end, and then start putting it together and in the car.

Head's getting ported, oversized valves, stiffer valve springs, lightweight high rev lifters, yadda yadda.

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good on the job man!

I still want to codrive that thing. so let me know if you need a hand. Dunno when or how good of help I am. heh..

Because I couldn't fit that sweet sweet sounding I5 turbo into an Impreza.

Actually, they other day why I was in Raymond having a look at the progress on my block and head, I said out loud after heading some dollar figures on things "I should have gotten a sube..."

But...I don't want to be like everyone else, we have a enough sube's running rally, we need some diversity.

Oh yea...this is currently my office.


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well, nobody ever said the process of building a rally car had to make sense!

yaaay for diversity, actually subies are pretty diverse, they come in all kinds of colors

Yay parts!


Ordering JE pistons tonight. They're it'll be 3 weeks or so till they come in.

The Warren killing machine is comming along nicely...hehehe.

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Haha...I usually never get around to installing parts the day after I get them, but that shifter is soooo pretty.

Shifts are all of maybe an inch of throw and it's in with a reasuring *click* Tis a beautiful thing.


any exterior shots you can post?
As she sits currently.




Right after I resprayed her.


Before I resprayed her...


When Rallyguy24 and I brought her home after purchase.



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