The new granny-mobile project (Volvo 240 wagon)

Car Whore

New member
One car is just never enough for me,so I always seem to end up with some sort of old project car beatermobile that I try to at least give a second life or something.This is my latest.It's a one-owner 1984 Volvo 240 DL Wagon w/112k miles on it.It runs and drives great,but really hasn't been used very much in the past,oh,15 years.
.....the owner was one of those wonderfully anal retentive types who wrote down every oil change,and according to his notes the car had 90k miles on it in 1990.It sat at their summer "estate" on Prout's Neck year-round,and was only used a few miles during the summer.Amazingly,the floor and frame of the car is pretty much rust free,but there is some odd rust on the INSIDE of the rear side windows and the bottom of the hatch and one rear door only(?).These are pics as I bought it the first day-




I've already taken the roof rack off,sanded down some of the rust spots,bought the IPD plugs for the roof holes,and replaced the ripped rear mudflap.I also lucked into a rust-free door,hatch,fender and other odds and ends from Carl at New England Imports,free of charge. ;D I thought I needed something for my overdrive,but it just wasn't hooked up for some reason.The wipers don't work,and I've replaced the fuse and motor....not sure what the issue is yet.Still need a passenger side hood hinge,but that's about it so far.

I'm sure I must be a little tweaked for bothering restoring what most people don't consider a very exciting car,but the pre-86 240s are becoming less common due to age and rust,and I just love the integrity of them.There are tons of performance mods and swaps that you can do to these cars,too,so that's kinda fun.It's RWD,too. ;D

there's a swedish guy up in Ontario who runs a beater 240 wagoon in the crazy all-night "brisk" winter TSD rallies. It says "SUBARU HUNTER' on the side windows, which should be a hint in there somewhere....

sometimes he even wins rallies with it.

total sideways hooligan fun.

you're almost certain to get sick of this project, and when you do, call me, I'll take it off your hands.

Nice, I love old Volvos!

There is a sweet blue Turbo Volvo that is at the top of Market street in Portland that I've always wanted to get. I think its about the same year as yours.
