The worst part about my Mazda.


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Terrible Experience.


What exactly are the problems with them? I've heard enough bad things from "real" subaru owners, but I also now a family who is a huge fan of them. Is the problem all with their financing issues?

What exactly are the problems with them? I've heard enough bad things from "real" subaru owners, but I also now a family who is a huge fan of them. Is the problem all with their financing issues?

Well, I went when I was 17, immediatly got approached and talked to (illegal) then test drove two cars (also illegal). Came back the next day with my dad cause i liked the Mazda, we got financeing all that fun stuff. Brought it home, went to bed, woke up, it wouldn't start. They towed it back, i guess it was a problem with the electric start. They took that out. So, after all that, you have two days to get a car insured apparently. Well the salesmen had been talking to my dad about this, and it had been like a week and it still wasn't insured. I had no idea that it had to be insured within the first two days or that my dad had been talking to them about it. I get a call from the sales manager, Peter Flanders, and he threatens to take my car away if I don't give him the insurance information within an hour. So I called my dad and told him about it, and he called Peter, and Peter denied all of the stuff he said.

The salesmen was nice, I just didn't like how un-professional the dealer was.

Well, I went when I was 17, immediatly got approached and talked to (illegal) then test drove two cars (also illegal).
I didn't know this. I test drove two cars there for ****s and giggles when I was in highschool. Wasn't sure if I was 18 for sure though....

I didn't know this. I test drove two cars there for ****s and giggles when I was in highschool. Wasn't sure if I was 18 for sure though....
Yeah, I'm almost positive it's illegal unless a parent is there.

I'm pretty sure I know whats up with that:

It's legal (with a parent for sure, not sure about without) but most dealer insurances won't cover damage done by minors. I was allowed to test drive cars at Norm's as long as I stayed off of Route 1, because their insurance wouldn't cover me driving the car there for some reason.

Before i knew of Evergreen i went there a few times, test drove a WRX but they wouldn't budge in price so i looked for a legacy gt out of state (what i really wanted). They did change my timing belt though, no complaints here.

I much prefer evergreen now, for all aspects of suby ownership.

people have had both bad and good experiences there. i bought my sti there. lawdawg has bought 2 stis there. stinate has bought 2 stis there. i don't think any of us have complaints with how things were handled. they are just your average car dealership. stuff like not budging the price on a wrx a couple years ago is something they can do. they sell a ****load of subarus and don't really need to budge on the price. i think the important thing to remember about why we hype evergreen so much is that EG is a great experience EVERY time. and if for some reason things don't go your way, they strive to make it a great experience. whether its maintenance or a purchase nothing but positive stories come out of evergreen.

a last note: you cant blame a car dealership for wanting to sell a car. talking to you about a car YOU ARE interested in and letting you test drive a car YOU ARE interested in just sounds like a salesperson being a salesperson. i don't know about anyone else but i have a car insured upon picking it up from wherever the purchase is made.

My car was insured the day I got it. I called my insurance company, said I was buying a car. Then when I bought the car I called them, gave them the VIN and the temp plate numbers and it was insured and registered, etc. Then all I had 2 weeks to get real plates. It was never not insured.

they let me leave without insurance, but they said i had 3 days to get it done, and that my current insurance would "cover" the new car... i didnt take any chances and got it insured the same day still.... Even with all the things i had to do to keep my Impreza, they made it so i could keep the car that i wanted. sure they wanted a sale to stay a sale, but i dont see it as just them being sales men, they helped me keep my car. If they didnt work so hard, i would say screw them, but i dont think that way now.

hmm.. I have always been insured as soon as I walked out the door.

on the "illegal" thing.

it isn't Illegal, it is just that their insurance doesn't cover you if you break ****. That means mommy and daddy are on the hook for the damages.

They are still crooks. they double talk, change the deal, cheap out on service. and play you as a fool every time you question them.
