
New member
Not even officially winter yet... I have a feeling this year is gonna be a bad one.





a nice subaru plus....

nice mud snow salt goosh

fun was had getting it filthy

subys are SPOZED to get dirty

there ARe such things a pressure washers

what's not to like?!

should have got it buffed and waxed by justin (cookiee1132) to prep it for the winter

the salt just whips right off my car ;D

I'm too am thankful for the coat of salt resistant wax i applied the weekend before the first storm. My WRB car is still calcium cholride two tone at the moment though.

If you want a car to keep nice and shiny go and get a *cough* Mercedes *cough* CLK. or...move to Arizona.

If you had any pics to post they should have been titled "this ROCKS" with you powersliding through the goo that got your rex all DIIIIRTY

I think I have seen your car around more than a few times, I live in brunswick. Do you work at Dicks in Topsham? And work out at PF in Brunswick??

2005 leagacy GT i'll let you guess the color, next time i see you i'll stop stalking you and say hello.

