Those "new" pulse/plasma plugs???


New member
I saw a couple magazine ads for some spark plugs that are pulse/plasma (same thing?)

I need some new plugs real soon and was wondering if anyone had some insight on these.

the idea seems good but are they bs or legit? Any info at all would be appreciated!

I saw a couple magazine ads for some spark plugs that are pulse/plasma (same thing?)
I just saw an ad in the latest C&D...didja notice that there was no price listed? Anyway, I'm told by people that know more than me to stick with OEM-spec plugs.

Good enough for me. Thanks guys.

NGK is typically a referred brand. For oem spec as well or just for those one step colder folk?

thanks again.

Good enough for me. Thanks guys.

NGK is typically a referred brand. For oem spec as well or just for those one step colder folk?

thanks again.
you dont need the colders unless you are close to 350-400 whp

I saw them in Modified Mag and was intrigued. They are about $25ea and they dyno'd them to add about 10whp. I'm considering them. 30 day money back guarantee.

It has a resistor inside the porcelain that is a condenser that lets the power collect and build then WHAM! sends a stronger spark. I makes sense in theory, but....I'm not entirely sold.

Who needs that, I detonate before the spark :

knock knock knock
