Ticky Valves


New member
I am aware that boxers tend to have a bit more valve train noise than other engines. Nonetheless, I would say in the last week or so, I have noticed a definite ticking sound between 2-3000 RPM. It gets better when things warm up, but it is still there. I am pretty sure it is tappet noise--the only question is---Is it excessive and signs of a problem to come?--or nothing to worry about. This is an 05 STi with 11K on the clock--not babied, but not abused either (occasional "spirited driving")--certainly nothing that should cause any problems.

If it was a VW 16v, I would say an oil channel to the hydaulic lifters is clogged with slug or oil pressure is otherwise low, causing gap and hence ticking (I had this problem on a GTi). I cannot imagine anything like that with a 11K engine, but I suppose it is possible.

I might be worried for nothing, but I cannot shake the feeling that the noise is a little louder than normal--a definite tick, tick tick, that goes away at very low speed, but is there once i hit 2000 rpm. At high revs. it is hard to tell because of other engine noise. I did just get an oil change a couple of weeks ago....

Any thoughts?

scoobys definitely make more valve noise in the cold. this may be what you're hearing

also, once you zero in on a "new" noise, (which may have been there all along, but you didn't hear it over the radio or road noise or whaterver) you tend to focus on it and freak out unnecessarily.

your oil level IS up to snuff w/5w-30, yes/no?? thin oil help make cold engine clatter ease up sooner


i would imagine that the sti's have manually adjustable lifters, but the older hydlaulic heads always made more noise. and i've also heard that sube's are louder on startup than other cars.

that and did you have the dealer put winter air in your tires?


Find this knob and turn it to this setting.


Should take care of any engine noise. ;D

Or you need to let me borrow it for the weekend so I can see if there is anything wrong with it.



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