To buy or not buy? -- That is the question.


Well the time is fast approaching. My first gen Legacy has seen better
days.. The inspection is good until July 2015.. then it's bye bye 

But in the spring I have a chance to buy a 94 SVX that is FWD and has
140ish K on it.. It has no rust... I have been thinking about it for the
last week or so and am on the fence.. I really do want it because of
its "unicorn" status, and because I like owning odd
cars(Justy,1stGenLegacy etc.) but I'm still up in the air. HELP!!

Eh, at least get an AWD one. Also, for god's sake get glass coverage on the thing. SVX windshields are $1500.

FWD is good enough for now I think.. At least then I can say I've owned an SVX.  I was def. thinking about the glass coverage for sure.

i owned a svx. not that much fun. 

plus parts can be difficult to find and expensive.

it does feel like a spaceship inside though.

id say for you Ryan get another first gen legacy but maybe search for a rust free one! way more practical than an SVX. 


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