Took the legacy in for a sticker.....


Pascifist Patriot
Ends up needing a waterpump (no clue how I didnt notice the leak) so the t-belt is getting replaced as well

And a steering rack :/ ugh.

Another 1200 bucks gone, at least I have a valid excuse to buy my lightweight crank pulley
and some more motivation to buy a skidplate (as the rack was most likely a casualty of what me and my friends call "car wheelin" oh well... Goes with the territory I suppose.)

Im wondering how my water pump s.t.b at not even 90k?

1200 to do a timing belt and water pump?? that's like $350 job from me..... oh and I have a steering rack too with 35k mi on it

Yeah PLEASE don't have them do the job. They are raping you for that price! Go to Mike^

1200 is new parts and a full service.

I didnt think it was all that unreasonable..

Plus the works already getting done :/ I was in a pinch with being able to get to work and back

That is still a rip off. I know a rack might be a little pricey, but timing belt and water pump only costs maybe 100, plus 2-3 house to install, and maybe 1-2 hours to install the rack. So even if the rack is 350 bucks, that means they are charging 750 for labor??? That is insane

That is still a rip off. I know a rack might be a little pricey, but timing belt and water pump only costs maybe 100, plus 2-3 house to install, and maybe 1-2 hours to install the rack. So even if the rack is 350 bucks, that means they are charging 750 for labor??? That is insane
where can I get a timing belt and water pump for 100? sign me up.

Ok, maybe 150, I bought my timing belt for 75, and water pumps are less than 50 everytime I have bought one. That is still not enough to make up that difference!

I got raped at a dealer on a timing belt job when I first got a car, and didn't know anything.

Granted, it broke down hours from home, and I didn't have a lot of choice. But raped I was. Don't fall for it.

I would have sold you that good used rack for 150 and put it in for 75, plus 350 for the tbelt and water pump installed. you got robbed bud

where can I get a timing belt and water pump for 100? sign me up.
Napa. its between 100 and 125 for both.

I paid $120 for the timing belt, water pump, all the gaskets, pulleys, and tensioners on Ebay. Then Fresh Craig did the install.
