TXS Uppipe install - Tips?


I'm going to be installing an uppipe shortly (probably this weekend) and was looking for any tips from someone who has installed one. Am I going to have to cut the heat shield or anything? Should I gut the downpipe and install the resistor/capacitor for the possible CEL, or wait until I am doing the rest of the exhaust? Thanks!

You need to install the upipe and downpipe at the same time.

Make sure you can get a bolt (or two) if you break one (or two)
. I'm talking about the botls that connect the uppipe to the turbo and the DP to the turbo. There is a good step-by-step write up on scoobymods.com an how to do this install. I could help you with the DP as I've done it already. Where are you located? I may be able to swing by

I've got the tuts from nasioc for a PDE downpipe, where they have to cut the heat shield for the EGT, but why on earth would I have to install the dp at the same time?

Ahhh its clear to me now. That I understood from the tut, for some reason I read your statement as "you cannot only install an uppipe, you must install up and dp at the same time". My bad cap.

If you have any problems give me a shout . I have a few tips for ya if you are stuck durring the install .


If you have any problems give me a shout . I have a few tips for ya if you are stuck durring the install . I have about 15 Uppipes under my belt so far .



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