Want to buy a SUBARU


New member
ok im in the process of getting a new car within 3-4 months or less depending on if i sell my car and well i either want a wrx sedan or a wagon... i would prefer the wagon a lot more but what ever i can get a better price on really...where is a good place to look for subarus in maine or if anyone has a car there selling that's a wrx works for me... the color doesn't matter, bug eye i prefer but i could care less just looking for around 100k or less and for 9k or under.... might even be interested in a outback sport with some mods....

yeah i posted a Want to Buy add on craigslist and had a few people offer up cars, one of which i ended up purchasing

use http://www.nasioc.com too

P.S. get a bugeye like me and ryan

My unpopular 2 cents.

Get a non-turbo 2.5 instead of a wrx.

Reasons? Insurance is cheaper, you can run 87, they're still zippy, you can still go plenty fast and get in trouble in them.

Sure the 2.5NA isn't as fast as a modded 2.0 in a straight line, but you can still make a base impreza turn like nobody's business. I've even chased down some 2.0 wrx's in my day in my "lowly" RS.

In your intro thread you said you were heading to college soon (I may be mistaken or confusing you with someone else). That means you're probably not married, and probably under 25. Insurance on the WRX is pretty nutty. If you're living on campus, your ride is going to be parked most the time anyways, why pay extra. I've you've got gobs of money to throw around, eff it, get a wrx. Or do college in the NA then flip it for a turbo car.

I have no idea what your budget is, but RJB has a bugeye NA for 7k. Head Gasket, timing belt, tires, axles, brakes... all done. http://www.rjbandson.com/

Evergreen has an 04 NA wagon for 8.5k. They're legit and will take care of you. http://www.evergreensubaru.com/used/Subaru/2004-Subaru-Impreza-8fdcc7500a0a006501150b686bf478ba.htm

You can find cheaper prices private party, but do you really want to have your daily driver 5k bugeye blow a head gasket and have to deal with that.

Not to crap on RJB too much but they said all that stuff was done on the RS I bought there. Then I ended up having a wheel bearing, head gasket, valve cover gaskets, and timing belt with adjuster replaced. Just saying. Do some homework.

on rjb: ask for invoices/work orders to prove it was done, i NEVER believe a used car salesman, except at evergreen. they wouldn't try to bone you because they sponsor the forum and wouldn't want to look bad. Honestly, i looked at an 05 wrx in 07. cost as much as my new 2.5i wagon, and insurance would have been $60 a month more. and i still eat civics like i do donuts, so....it all worked out
