washed,claybared and waxed


few days ago decided to spend half the day washing, claybaring polishing and waxing my car. thought i woudl share some pics. i used that turtle wax ice clay bar kit and polish and it was amazing i def reccomend it







illmake you a deal when you get back here if you let me flogg your carr offroad ill let you take myne out on the road

looking good man. i definitely need to do the same. someone gave me some of that ice liquid claybar. i'm kind of oldschool and use real clay, but i'll give it a try.

looking good man. i definitely need to do the same. someone gave me some of that ice liquid claybar. i'm kind of oldschool and use real clay, but i'll give it a try.
they actually use a 2 part system with it wich is nice. the first part is almsot like a soap wich really penetrates the bug guts etc. you put it on with a wet rag and work it in by hand then clay bar. worked great

Lookin good, but a word to the wise. Don`t tick off your neighbors or they could report you are still running N.H. plates

Lookin good, but a word to the wise. Don`t tick off your neighbors or they could report you are still running N.H. plates
lol i dont have any neighborhs that can see my house. only peopel that can see my car parked at my house are the people ont he golf course wich i make sure i dotn crank up the mower int he middle of their back swing lol. i cant justify registering it in maine when i just payed 860 dollars to do that in N.H 2 months ago. im gonna let it go as long as i can
