Wcyy Top 1000


Baxley’s Speed Shop
How awesome is that. Ive been hearing songs I forgot about years ago. Im in the process of downloading a few now.

man i remember when cyy first started up. . .. talk about memories lol.

i think TOS and BLM do similar things from time to time. its always interesting to hear songs that used to be absolute favorites of mine, but were so easily forgotten.

How did they determine the order? Cause who really cares until the top 100 or top 50.

Some good tunes though.

I love WCYY on the weekends as they break out more of the stuff from the 90's. I don't like the tight playlist they run during the week.

How did they determine the order? Cause who really cares until the top 100 or top 50.
Some good tunes though.
i am pretty sure they had a voting process on their website or something like that? i they have a list of the songs played so far here. I need to get some torrents downloading!

yeah, i'm gonna have to say #1 is going to be either Lazy Eye by Silversun Pickups or I Hate Everything About You bye Three Days Grace!!!

I listen to talk radio

been listening to it on my commutes.

i usually listen to the pod.
