Went wingless


New member
Well I just got my trunk back the other day from having the wing holes and key hole welded up. Then smoothed and painted for a nice clean look.

Here are couple pictures of the car from today..





not bad man... but loose the roof wing and that car would be sick... maybe black rims (since the tails are tinted).

that car is sick but i think ya need to get a gt40 on it

i would be curious to know what it cost getting the holes filled as opposed to just swapping one? i opted the swap route cause i figured the other way would be spensive. . .

Noice!! I always thought de-winging was classy. Although your poop tube kinda counter-acts that. "That's a huge grandma!!"

re: swapping vs filling...I'm sure that either way you can sell the leftovers on eBay for a good couple bucks.

He's going on what happens to our wagons. Without the rear wing, they get loose over 105mph.

Now who would want to go that fast? It's a wagon, for chrissakes >

FWIW - I found that the fastest I can go with a bike on the back is somewhere around 110. Faster than that, and the straps that keep the bike on the vehicle start to fail.
