Nigel Prodrive
Dirt surfer
Audi TT quattro coupe, 6 spd leather chrome sunroof 225 hp turbo goodness w/nice big hatch in back. decent ones sub $10k now
late 70s early 80s 911 SC sunroof coupe (targas suck and always leak) and first thing I'd do is unbolt the silly whale tail and put on 2.7RS clone ducktail and rack o big Hellas up front. decent ones circa $15k, some cheaper but the cheap ones have a way of becoming Very Expensive Very Quickly
late 70s early 80s 911 SC sunroof coupe (targas suck and always leak) and first thing I'd do is unbolt the silly whale tail and put on 2.7RS clone ducktail and rack o big Hellas up front. decent ones circa $15k, some cheaper but the cheap ones have a way of becoming Very Expensive Very Quickly
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