Who would be interested in a Southern Maine road rally / tsd


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I've been dreaming of bringing TSD rallies to Maine, I think there is a big enough rally community to support it.  So I would like to know how much interest there might be.  Heres what I have so far.

- Beginning in Bridgton, possibly at the latern pub. 6pm start

-$20 entry 

- 1 section rally so ~75 miles

- Brisk and 80% unpaved roads

- Straightforward tulip notes, with little to no tricks

- Independent event

- Timed to the second

- Prize money for podium based on voluntary donations

Im looking at mid to late March Saturday evening, and Id like to expand to a few per year if it goes well.  Im going to be mixing in elements from from VT, NY and Quebec road rallies, and some of my own ideas.  I also have a few volunteers lined up (always need more) but theres still a lot of planning to do. Questions and suggestions would be appreciated, thanks!  Lets do this thing

So basically follow a map, don't speed and arrive on time?

The average speed can be difficult on more techincal roads or depending on conditions.  Earliness and lateness are scored the same for penalities.  Its not a map, but numbered instructions you do in order, with tulip diagrams which show what to do.

It uses tulip notes like this


I'd be in for it, $20 is CHEAP. A SCCA rallyX is costing $67 these days.

EDIT: first or last weekend in march would be best, I'm fairly sure all other weekends are completely tied up.

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I'm in if this gets off the ground. 3/9 is the ner.org rallyx a bunch of us are going to. Weekend before I'll be fixing the RS.

And most likely busy the 16th.

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did something similar in Florida organized by a shop and using a card stack. esentially a designated road to follow with checkpoints. At each check point, you received a card and at the end, whomever had the best hand won some prize. All cars were welcome (t'was FL) and was fun!

i'd def be interested in this.

It's time to kick ass, and chew bubblegum... and i'm all outta gum

did something similar in Florida organized by a shop and using a card stack. esentially a designated road to follow with checkpoints. At each check point, you received a card and at the end, whomever had the best hand won some prize. All cars were welcome (t'was FL) and was fun!
i'd def be interested in this. It's time to kick ass, and chew bubblegum... and i'm all outta gum
That's a poker rally. This is more of a navigational rally meant to test co-drivers, but some of them are a fantastic driver test too.

Old video from vermont winter challenge that I show people about TSDs:

It is going to be brisk, becuase nobody wants to go 25 for 3 miles straight lol..  BUT we have to find the best roads..  its going to be low tech, ie no alfa clocks, hand drawn tulips and an independent event just to make it as cheap and accessible as possible.  Its all about getting people to come out, becuase its so hard to draw new people to road rally. 

Thanks for the rallyx info - hadnt even thought of that haha. March 30th is the best date now, hoping for the best with the roads. In this area we have to run it before the summer people show up, or in the middle of the night..

or in the middle of the night..
Also, with some searching I found a free program for making tulip notes. I'm literally chock-a-block full every weekend in march besides the 2nd and 30th, but if you want help setting up, I'm free week days and those two weekends.

that's great man, thanks I will be in touch for sure.  I've got the first half mapped out, but I need to get out there check out roads and other possibilites..  

There is going to be a regroup in the middle for a small break, and to get everyone back in order again but also time to socialize a bit. 

Yea, having a re-group is a good idea. When we have logging road shenanigans up north, we use tulip notes. And it's been proven time and time again that people are plain BAD at reading notes. Granted, I'm going sideways toward a tree at 90mph in an 80's subaru... and my trip computer is a bicycle speedometer taped to the dash. But still, lots of people get lost.

Neither of my cars have a working speedo, so I'd probably just use GPS this time round.

But I'm free kinda whenever, I fix computers and work on my own schedule. So I can just not answer the phone for a day.

Alright awesome, there is definitely enough interest.  I'll also be needing checkpoint workers, so please volunteer if possible.  Gas money will be provided.

I set up a website, its pretty rough right now but I will be making improvements.  Web design isn't really my thing, as you will see lol.  Anyway,,

Please preregister for the event!  This will really help us out.  You can use the contact form on the website to do that.  Just include car info, driver/navi for now, no prepay necessary.  Please tell your friends too!  Anyone who enjoys driving and can bring a navi will enjoy the event. 

The website is www.maineroadrally.info   

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CMC used to put these on as well (maybe more toned down than you guys are talking) Did TSD, and shortest distance rallys. Me and old girlfriend won "flower power" shortest distance rally, in 98 I think. . If enough people approached the club and showed interest they may consider bringing these back. I had done a fair amount 10+years ago.

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