Why does my Fozz chew up the outside of the tires?


Active member
Ever since i had it, the Fozz has a particular love to the rubber located on the outside edge of the tires in the front... New struts, multiple alignments didnt seem to do anything.....

WTF???? Any ideas?

Outside of each tire? Or the outside of the tread?

Meaning: if you are looking down on the tread from on top, it chews up both edges of the tread? or just the one edge located towards the outside of the car?

Im sure its not it, but if its wearing the both ouside edges it sound like maybe under inflation of the tires. (i know this isn't it, im sure you're good about checking the tire pressure)

To me it sounds like somethings loose down there in the suspension department, and allowing the tire to tourque or change the toe angle on turns. That can chew up tires quick. doesn't take much.

outside of the tread. Both outside corners on the front are completely round. Underinflation is out of the question. It almost seems as the tires tilt too much during cornering. Bad tie rod ends?

slow down. you getting too much understeer!

it's likely to be either too much front toe-in or too much positive camber, or both

it's likely to be either too much front toe-in or too much positive camber, or both
^This. A lot of shops have no clue on how to align Subarus for some reason.

^This. A lot of shops have no clue on how to align Subarus for some reason.
all my alignments are done at EG

-----Added 11/24/2009 at 04:03:05-----

Any vibration driving or braking ?
Not really, slight vibration during braking, but that's due to warpe

rotors I think

my g/f's Foz likes to eat up outside edges of the rear tires, again despite alignment adjusted to factory spec. I think there's too much toe-in at the rear, but that's just me.

guy at local well regarded alignment shop told me, "some Foresters just like to eat tires, others aint' so bad"

if alignment is within spec, then look to tie rod ends and lower ball joints


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They do eat tires, sometimes, but they shouldn't. Generally if they do eat tires they shred the insides and cup something fierce. This def sounds like toe-in and too much camber in the postive direction. We probably need to look at other causes.

Lobstah, next week I'll see if I can pull your alignment records and specs when sent out the door. And I'll talk to the boss and see what we can do. PM me the name on the work order or the name we have when the car comes in for service.

i think it might be all the susp. travel foresters have cause when its on the rack the susp. is not moving and when you start driving down the road they squat a little more with higher miles and raise the front which toes the tires in which could cause more wear on the outside edge of the tire but i could be wrong

you might be right Gabe, i looked at it again today and it looks like drivers side is toed way out. I;ve read that tie rod/steering rack bushing can wear out and allow for play, so that's the next thing to get checked. But that still doesn't explain excessive camber on both sides....

that's wierd that it wouldn't have been cured or taken care of with the alignment
cause caster is the only thing not adjustable on the subies

were the same tires on the car this whole time?

once tires start wearing unevenly, they tend to keep wearing that way even after realignment.

I have really bad feathering on insides of rear, it think it's mostly mine own fault due to upsized tires and slight toe out to help certain rotational tendencies.....

std spec for wrx rear toe is like a quarter degree toe in, correct?

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were the same tires on the car this whole time?

std spec for wrx rear toe is like a quarter degree toe in, correct?
i put new tires on it after strut change and the 1st alignment, and junked the old ones. Still the same exact wear pattern showing, just more severe due to the low-quality of VIP brand tires. (Old ones were Michelins, so they didnt wear out as fast)

And i'm not quite sure on the alignment specs....


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