Without a doubt, the best music video.

hahahahThat's great! I've always been a fan of this one, for at least 4 years or so!


I never saw it with the "English Lyrics" before, but this ones been buffalaxed too .... hahahha

Oh and one more damn hilarious one ..


Sorry, not trying to steal your thread O0

Sorry, awesomely funny or not, this is probably the best music video evarrrrr.

Can I get a booya? >

My loony bun is fine Benny Lava,

Minor bun engine made Benny Lava

Anybody need this sign Benny Lava?

You need a bun to bite Benny Lava!

Have you been high today?

I see the nuns are gay!

My brother yelled to me ...

I love you inside Ed!

My loony bun is fine Benny Lava,

Minor bun engine made Benny Lava

I told a high school girl,

I love you inside me!

I'd love to see you pee on us tonight!

I'd love to see you pee on us tonight!

You fill me up with doom.

Quit looking up at me!

You got a minute girl?

The puppy had a fee!

Don't think I do love her,

We're looking in a pill!

We're looking in a pill!

All of them like the bun!

Now poop on them Oliver!

Ooo daddy, just say it!

You know the hole to put it!

Just sing it, you love me!

Your pundit got armor!

You send me, offended,

you know the hole to put it!

Just sing it, you love me!

Your pundit got armor!

Who put the goat in there?

The yellow goat I ate!

My loony bun is fine Benny Lava,

Minor bun engine made Benny Lava

I like to swim in it

I like to swim in it

I like to swim in his beeejay!!!

I like to swim in it

I like to swim in it

I like to swim in his beeejay!!!

A nerd to punk a nerd,

I'm bleeding, cookiein A!

That stuff is pink colored!

Some day I sell DNA!

This boar ain't very cool.

You need a Hindi yew!

Got into Seattle,

I'll lay a friend of yours!

I fought a barber man!

We know what's in butter rum!

A jet pack, operation,

Send him the crazy Hindu!

Whatever, my sadist!

All baked and cooked alive!

I lick you, Belinda ..

The ninja made a movement.

Tell Donna, no collar ..

I'll do what body loves!

I put papaya there.

You love me inside there!

My loony bun is fine Benny Lava,

Minor bun engine made Benny Lava

Anybody need this sign Benny Lava?

You need a bun to bite Benny Lava!

Have you been high today?

I love you inside me!

I was bored ... haha
