Worried about upcoming install...


New member
So as I'm waiting for my parts to come in, I've had all this time to plan out and think about the install process. I've got a thermal coated intake manifold, PnP TGV deletes, phenolic spacers, and a turbo inlet that I'm going to be installing. I've been researching and gathering as much information about it all so I'll be ready to tackle it myself. This will definitely be the first time I've really done in an depth install on my own terms. I guess I'm most worried about swapping everything over to my new intake manifold, and re-installing the fuel rails/lines/injectors. Do any of you have any pointers/tips/recommendations for all of this? I think spin will be helping me out with the install, but if anyone else is willing to help, the more the merrier
. I've pretty much got everything stockpiled and ready to go, just waiting on a few more parts to get here.

Any help appreciated, thanks


Have a gasket scraper on hand. When I took the TGVs off my car the gasket was stuck to both the TGV and the heads. Plug up the intake ports with some paper towels and such and very carefully scrape the head clean. This was the most unnerving part for me. The other thing I would say is to have some fuel line on hand, they can come off very difficult and it may be easier to just cut them. Make sure you find every connector to lift off the mani + TGVs and take them off/put them back on preassembled. Once you get it off it'll be obvious this is how it's done at the factory. It's pretty involved but not really "difficult". Make sure you have a spare car or someone to drive you and do it on a day when the parts stores are open. Everyone forgets something.

When and where are you doing this?

I'll be doing this at my house, which is in Topsham, as soon as my parts get here... which they are taking longer than I expected.

+1 on what Trevor723 said. Be clean, and watch the dust and scrapings. your upper TGV gaskets have bevels that compress when you tighten it to the manifold, I don't know if you can use them twice, so just be careful and pay attention the first time. Everyone else has pretty much summed it up though. when your putting it back together, there is one hose on the drivers side tumble generator that doesn't connect to anything, it's just so that the breather faces downward. I looked for the place to connect this for hours before I found out it doesn't connect to anything. Good luck man, hope it turns out well.


Meyagi has a nice lift, & has already done most of this shizzzle to my STi, already.

Working WITH him, I'm sure he'd help VERY reasonably-he LOVES Soobies!

In fact, he happily trades lift time/help for Soob parts-he's got that 2.2 wagon w my STi's IHI, LGT discs (all 4 wheels), the '06 LGT rims, & my STi's HKS Carbon-Ti exhaust, to name a few odd pieces.

Grab your for-trade parts list and PM him, IMO you'll be glad you did.

That should calm your nerves bro.


He's taking it to EG today. Ryan got it all back together, turned the key aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaannnnnddd ...

fuel leak! He said he'd have EG fix it for him as he has no time.

Yes, it was a bad day.

Well, for the most part, I got everything off and everything back on fine. Before putting it 100% back together, I primed the fuel system (just turned key to 'on') to check for leaks and I've got a baaaddd fuel leak on my passenger side. I've been working on it for the past couple days and I just didn't have anymore time to deal with it, so off to EG it went

It is definitely a PITA job.
