yes, looking to swap/sell unknown brand sport springs for taller stockers. soon as I git my mitties on the OEM ones, the sport sproings will be available for y'all to fight over
nate does this mean you have OBS springs in hand or are they still on yer car?
well if ye wish to swap, i have a set of '98 rs stockers. 140k miles later.
problem of course is they are on my car. i'm having sergei do a few things next week though, so if you wanted i could also have him do that and you could have your stockers by the end of next week
so we gots a game of "spring chicken" going here. who is gonna be the first to tear their car apart so they can wait for others to maybe tear THEIR cars apart...yikes.
OK so now am looking for stock RS or OBS springs already off somebody's car!
blah. that would make our situation a great deal more complicated then wouldn't it? nothing sounds worse then switching out 8 struts/springs on 2 decades worth of car
how much drop are we talking here???? just because ive got stock rs springs....on the car but also have some 1.5 drop springs....not on the car that have yet to be mark if you get those on you gotta swing by so i can see just worried about being to low in the snow