WTB: Shell for Rally Car


Active member
I'm looking for a late 90s, OBD II, 2-dr Impreza chassis to put my lgt motor in, to rally.


ok so lets start with this

what do you mean to rally? cage and race at Maine forest?

put snow tires on and rallycross with SCCA?

or just beat the crap out of in the back woods?

if its the one of the first two options step 1 is read the rule book. and step 2 read it again. then build accordingly. If you were to build a caged car to race in a stage rally, you would have to start with a normally aspirated motor untill you prove you aren't going to kill yourself on stage. you really cant just jump in with a turbo'ed 300hp awd subaru.

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If I build a car with Mikey, it won't be N/A.

That said, different cars, different classes, right?

I'm not "diving in" to anything, I cut my teeth on Maine's dirt and snow.

Before I "race" (I really prefer to "race" against myself.

& I only care about how my team & I do, personally.)

I plan on getting plenty of appropriate seat time.

For now, Rally-X, if that's as fun as it looks, we'll go from there.

N/A = No Way-I didn't get into AWD to push a lump down dirt paths-did that as a kid, had enough.

We'll see, I have to talk to Meyagi about more minutae.

If you see a to-spec, 2-door Impreza chassis, post it here, please.

Skeptics can have a field day, but I'm very, very comfortable on dirt and ice, and in 27+ years of driving, I have yet to roll (or trash) a car on any surface, public or private.

Not because I wasn't "pushing the limits", but because I understand them.

Hence, my interest in rally-X.

IF we build it, Meyagi & myself will alternate driving and the nav duties, so we both get a chance to see both sides of the sport. If no nav is needed, we'll compete individually.

My '06 LGT motor would make a reaaaaaly nice Starting Point for a rally/rally-X car.

It's got 36K, never beat (it was attached to a (sigh!) Auto tranny. Clean is an understatement. And it's complete, right down to the TMIC.

As we know, the itty-bitty oem turbo can crank out more HP w/a new tune, & a 2-dr Impreza, gutted,

weighs like a crackhead balerina. Win/Win>FTW, imo.

ere.N/A = No Way-I didn't get into AWD to push a lump down dirt paths-did that as a kid, had enough..
there was one N/A car running PGT at NEFR last year, it placed second in one regional and first in the other. stock 2.5RS sedan kicked WRX arse. they also got beat by 2 20+ y/o volkswagon, and a 35 y/o saab. turbos are highly overrated if you don't have the skills to drive them.

-----Added 12/6/2009 at 03:04:28-----

oh, and a 1978 RWD z car:eek:

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that G5 car is fast. and FWD. that's the car that RallyK used to codrive if i recall correctly.

that little wagon is nice, it could be a fun little ride

stixx if you are serious about getting into stage rally (as opposed to gradual build-up starting with TSD and rallyX) that Canadian wag is a lot of car for the $$

as you've discovered on your STI build, it's waaay cheaper to buy somebody elses's project and start there, rather than spend cubic $ to build yer own from a pile of partz.

welcome to dark side, do you have any idea of how slippery a slope you're headed down?
