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  • Hey Dan. My name is Jarred. You left your card on my Subie. Lovin your WRX. Wish I had the money to upgrade my Leggy but my wife makes all the money since I am in school:-)

    For sure man. I love the looks of your whip. And sneeky quiet exhaust. You must suprise a lot of people with the power.

    Dylan Rider. Haha i remember coming back from the group drive we meet up at a gas station and headed out together. I couldn't keep up with my 02 wrx. lol. I saw you this morning acutally driving by the campus center around 8:45. I usually see u mondays wednesdays fridays. haha. I live on campus so i dont get to drive around to class. But ya man .whenever u wanna meet up let me know.

    that's the first time ive been tagged lol, on the top of my rear windshield theres a mainelysubaru sticker there but is hard to see given i backed in my spot.

    Yeah dude thatd be cool im busy this week but after that im free, and that's sweet your in electrical at smcc as well, you must be 2nd year id guess right?

    K thanks man. I really want to go but its pretty early for me, I would have to leave Bangor around 6 to get there, I party to much on Saturdays :/

    Hey, did you paint your stock rims yourself? If so what type of paint/clearcoat...did you scuff them up first, anything you can tell me would be appreciated.

    Thanks Jordan

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