Ms December 2011 Meet

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Great turn out here at red robin

I can't believe that.....if I didn't have finals this week, I would have made it down. It's not often that we have augusta meets

This was embarrassing.

They had it all set up for us, they even had extra staff for us, they had the staff set for 2 waitresses per every few guests to make sure things ran smoothly. They ended up sending waitresses home to avoid paying them for nothing.

There was no one there to do a 50/50 to help donate towards the site.

Tons of parking there!

The drink orders came out quickly, and kept coming. The appetizers came out to the members in a blink of an eye.

This meet would have ran the most smooth that we've seen in a while.

I lost the eagerness to say it was Gabe's birthday [considering it will be in 5 days].

I am super glad that another couple showed up, because then we looked more like a "group", while pitiful, we still got it together and had great conversations and excellent food.

Yes, I am passionate about the meets, always have been, always will be. I was really looking forward to a big turn out. Heck, even Red Robin predicted 35, when all I said was 25! We could have easily pulled it together.... we have in the past. Sadly Roosters had a better turn out than this one... what the heck?!

Well I'm just going to throw this out there... This is the EXACT reason why we need only ONE person setting these up and calling in to talk to the managers/hostess'. Why on earth would you tell them 25 when if you look at this thread, we only had about 7 people speaking up that they were coming??

Please try to refrain from planning meets for us. We've had our mods doing this job quite successfully for some time now. Trying to circumvent the process only leads to us getting burnt!

I know that you are passionate about these meets and always seem to have input. But PLEASE leave the planning to us. Thank you.

okay, first of all, I called THE DAY Carter advised of where the meet was going to be. This was to make sure that there'd be space available, considering it is a high shopping area around the holidays, and quite close to holiday office parties and get-togethers.

And yes, the number was a LOW estimate- based on PREVIOUS turn outs. Meaning= there was 25+ in the past.

Anyone, regardless of who it was, could have called and said the same exact number.

I guess it would make sense if it was called THE DAY of the meet to say, "Hey, we have a group of 7 people showing up". But usually we let them know WELL in advance that there will be a meet held, so that they could be prepared. If the count would have risen to 17... they would have still needed their extra staff members.

Now, yes, if we would have had more people step up and say whether or not they were going, it would have given us a better count within the past few days, and we could have adjusted it. But, haha, guess what?! Even the people who SAID they'd go, or were "maybe's" DID NOT GO.

It's December, we usually never have big meets. Last January, only three people showed up! I call a week or so in advance, then a day in advance, just to double check and update with numbers. We don't need two people calling the restaurant, that just confuses everybody. Things always come up at the last second, so I give them a lower estimate; if more people show up, they'll accommodate.

Please, let us do our jobs.

Garrett, the problem is, is the last few meets we have been to, they haven't had a clue how many of us are showing up, and are always unprepared and we have terrible service because of that. And I specifically heard someone say last night at the meet that December is usually a big meet because everyone is home from school and what not, along with the toys for tots thing.

Kati was asked by Carter to go ahead and make the reservation. She inquired about the meet because within 2 weeks of when the meet was supposed to take place, nothing had been posted about it. Carter told her that it had been determined that it was going to be at red Robin and to go ahead and make the call, and even thanked her. So don't jump on her and ask to let you do your jobs when the job had not been taken care of, and hasn't in the past. I know that we all have much more than this site to deal with, but if the person that plans the meets is busy with life, than one of the other mods should take charge. You guys all know I have no issues with you, and enjoy your company, but it's just frustrating when the last few meets we have gone to, we have had bad experience, because they have no clue about us being there. Hope this doesn't offend anyone, just trying to make everyone understand. Thanks

my opinion is we need to have ONE meet not have a southern one or northern one. but hey there wasnt many people at it but all nice people were there soo idc!

Why wouldn't we have two? The only people that usually go to Northerners are from the Bangor area, besides Chris, Brian and Dan.

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This should be good..... I love seeing these types of "fights" heh.. perhaps the meeting was too far north of North Boston for people to come.. It's a common problem up here in this part of Canada.. I remember ReZPunK use to have the same issues when the Northerner Meets.. maybe Monthly meetings are too much. Just sayin..
I did not know Jason that Carter talked to Kati about this, I thought Ryan was setting this up, sorry. However, this has happened in the past, I'll let Dan elaborate. This week is finals week for most students, which adds to the low attendance, if it was next week I'm sure it would be bigger. Last December we also only had 10.

I know all about it happening before. That was at Margaritas. And Kati spoke up and said that it was her who called to confirm. And again, it was because of the bad service we experienced in the past, so Kati called ahead to make sure they were going to have the staff to cover us, which still didn't help, we waited for over an hour for our food to arrive, and there weren't too many of us then either. This is all to help, nothing else.

No need to fight and argue about anything...

Sorry you don't enjoy or agree what we do for meets. But sadly we just prefer that only the admin/mods setup and schedule the meets. This only helps to STOP confusion and embarrassing happening like having a place setup for 30... when only 7 show up. Tell me how that was helpful?

And seriously... PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE slightly lower your expectations with these places. You can't always expect fine dinning, and personal attention when you are eating with a group. Sit back, relax, and be ok with the fact that you might be sitting there for an hour for a meal.. IT'S OK!!!!

I agree Nate, really I do. And I tell Kati all the time to not let it bother her so much. We don't get out very often, so when we do, it's nice if things go smoothly. And honestly, telling them that all those people were coming, did help!! Lol. we had great service!! Never had to ask for anything!!

And I want to reiterate that Carter asked Kati to go ahead make the call to make the reservation for this meet. And I am all for the admins/mods planing these, but again, this one was less than 2 weeks before the meet was to take place, and nothing was posted, that's why we asked Carter.

It's really not a huge deal!!

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