official unofficial motorcycle talk thread

The buell has under gone some transformation. I ditched the banana seat and rear section for a cbr600rr tail and seat. Still need to make a few mouthing tabs and pick up a taillight. Should be a fun bike. Ride height is about 2 inches lower.



Haha. Well I seem to not be able to get past 2000 for anything I own. I figured this would be a milestone!!!

Anyone done hids on their bike? Thinking I might do that later this season
I've considered it and I'd love to hear about it if you go through with it.
I think you can get projectors that mount as if it were a headlight bulb.

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Should be able to get a plug and play hid kit and use a slim ballast. That's what I did on my old yzf600r

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Brought the Vulcan home yesterday, fresh oil, new sticker, got it all washed and waxed. Went to fire it up this morning and the oil filter seal was leaking. Guess I'll have to p put a filter wrench on it. Hid Kit and led tail on the way

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took mine out. brakes are sticking, oil gasket leak, shifter is finicky. and front fork seals are leaking... fired right up and idles perfectly though!

Ugh... Can't wait to have my bike back. I have everything purchased that I need except for my clutch line (in the mail) and a new ground wire into the battery.

Hid Kit came in just In time for the snow storm, but I got the 60LED bulb in the taillight, friggin bright

It occurred to me I have not shared my motorcycle here yet... Behold


I was browsing craigslist one day last summer looking up stupid stuff I don't need and found this beast the next town over for only $100. 45 minutes later I was on my way home with it stuffed in the trunk of my Legacy. I bought it off a guy who found it in a building he had evicted some sketchy rednecks from. Dude had no idea what had been done to it nor did he have any interest in riding it. After I got it home I re-upholstered the seat with lots of foam and a cut up tie-dyed grateful dead t-shirt, added a headlight (doesn't work}, installed a kill switch toggle, and replaced the pull cord and clutch. At some point in the bikes life an inspired hick decided it was a smart idea to replace the dinky motor with a Tecumseh snowblower engine featuring a push button start, add a snowblower rear tire (mad traction yo), give it a Kawasaki jetski throttle to control it, and a badass set of handlebars that commands respect and gives it that chopper feel. Braking consists of a metal plate that rubs on the rear tire which is totally useless when wet. Needless to say this beast requires a set of brass balls and a total disregard for one's personal safety. It goes about 45ish downhill which is terrifying when you are expecting the thing to fall apart at any moment. Accelerating from a stand still will pull the front tire up unless crouched way forward. A certain member here who owns a certain boosted liter bike did not dare take a spin on this hog... nuff said. So far I have enjoyed several miles of death defying hoonery terrorizing my neighborhood and it has only left me stranded once. Best hundred bucks I have every spent. My Legacy has cost me over a hundred times as much as this but I have had just as much fun.

So who has been out riding this season? I'm dying to get out but I sold both my bikes this spring and am waiting on my new bike to come in, put a deposit down earlier this week and it's just a waiting game until the release on anxious!

i've had mine at work 3 times this year, 25 mile ride gets cold. but i did a version of the "stage 1 exhaust mod for teh vulcan 900" took off trim pieces of the pipe, drilled a couple holes in each baffle, riveted trim pieces back on, much sexy sound for free and ten minutes work


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