Strange vibration


New member
Hello all,

Wondering if anyone can give me an idea what's wrong with my car.  This has now happened 2 times to me while driving.  Once on the turnpike.  I was going kinda fast.... 90ish, and noticed a very loud vibration.  It kept getting louder.  I drive another mile, and got off at a rest area to inspect and noticed my break pedal shuddering under braking.  I got out and walked around the car and noticed a hot smell.  Not too bad, but certainly not normal either.  I didn't have many options, so I decided to limp it to work.  I got back on the pike and the noise was gone!

Then it happened again yesterday.  This time I was only going 60 on RT 26.  The noise seemed to go away after I slowed down in a 40 MPH zone.  I went back up to 60 after that zone, and it seemed quiet after that.

The noise seems like I'm driving on a rumble strip on the edge of the turnpike, but not as severe.  That's all I can think of to describe it.

Since I felt it through the brake pedal, I was thinking I have a "sticky" brake caliper.  Entirely possible since my brakes do need some attention.  But I also have no idea what kind of symptoms come up with drivetrain issues either.  Center Diffs, etc.

My car is an 06 2.5i.  5-speed.  I have 156,000 miles.  

Thank you in advance!


If your noise only happens under braking, you have issues with warped rotors. Too much heat and a number of other things can cause them to do that. Have you had the brakes replaced once before? Also, when your in there, check for sticking caliper, you know see if the slide pins are moving freely, make sure the pistons compress easly, see is the pads have hung up on their slides. By the sounds of it, I'd say its time for a brake job. Rotors, and pads, that way you don't have to worry about machining the rotors and having them get too thin. And the brand new pads also do great things too. Internet dio only does so much however.

Warper rotors caused by a sticky caliper. The caliper was probably causing the pads to drag on the rotor causing it to warp and make it vibrate. And you really noticed it when you tried to brake.

if you have a sticky caliper, that wheel will run hotter than the others. so next time it happens, pull over and feel the temp of hub and ctr of brake disc (not the actual swept area of disc). find the hot spot, you found your problem. be careful tho, if it's hot enough to smell it's hot enough to burn your fingers. shuddering under braking is a classic sign of warped, overheated rotor or rotors. you didn't mention if car pulls to one side under braking, that would point to something sticking on whatever side car pulls toward.

sounds like you need a brake job no matter what's actually the problem, so why wait. if you're not up to the job yourself, get that car into a good shop asap....functioning brakes are kind of a good thing to have!

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Thanks for the responses.  Since none of you mention drivetrain issues, that makes me feel better.  Brakes are easy.  That's what I was thinking too. 

Just to clarify though, it's not always when braking.  In fact, the vibration happens when just driving down the road.  I just happened to notice the braking as a side effect of what was happening during these "incidents".  Normally, braking is not that bad.  But if I have a caliper that is starting to stick intermittently, then it's explainable.  Right?

I have not noticed the car pulling to either side.  I'm guessing the problem is in the rear?

not if you can feel it through the steering wheel. Like Pedro said, make sure that there is nothing inside the wheel, like ice and snow, because that can certainly cause the vehicle to shake. Otherwise, if after the brake job the symptoms persist, i would recommend rebalancing your wheels.

Thanks for the responses.  Since none of you mention drivetrain issues, that makes me feel better.  Brakes are easy.  That's what I was thinking too. 

Just to clarify though, it's not always when braking.  In fact, the vibration happens when just driving down the road.  I just happened to notice the braking as a side effect of what was happening during these "incidents".  Normally, braking is not that bad.  But if I have a caliper that is starting to stick intermittently, then it's explainable.  Right?

I have not noticed the car pulling to either side.  I'm guessing the problem is in the rear?

not if you can feel it through the steering wheel. Like Pedro said, make sure that there is nothing inside the wheel, like ice and snow, because that can certainly cause the vehicle to shake. Otherwise, if after the brake job the symptoms persist, i would recommend rebalancing your wheels.

If it was in the rear wheels you wouldn't feel it through the steering wheel. 

that's what i said

badly warped rotors you could probably feel any time, but the shaking would def get worse under braking. if you brake and get big shudder and ease off brakes and it improves, time for new rotors!

vibrating/shaking @ all speeds could be many things:  be loose wheel. tire balance weight missing. front end alignment. tire with sidewall bubble and/or heavy cupping (uneven tread wear). aliens in your steering gear.

get somebody who knows what to look for suss out your car. just waiting, hoping, and getting feedback from forum buds who like to diagnose probs over the intOrwebs....this is not a plan to fix your vehicle!

PS--you will know something is really wrong when a wheel falls off and you go surfing the median on I-95.  Or brakes fail and you cream somebody stopped for a red light. Etc, etc. Capisce?

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Thanks.  Got it.  I asked for some ideas, not a lecture.  I never said this was a way to fix my car.  Take a pill.....

Hey, you asked for help, we gave you help. A lot of people on here, myself included, have experiance with cars and work on them for a living. It might seem like being lectured, but if there wasn't anyone to tell you, I guarantee you would be just as lost as before. We are only drawing from what we know. I don't know some of the members personally, but I have heard plenty about what they do and their experiance with cars, and they have most likely had the same thing happen. I'm sure nobody is trying to tell you what to do. That part is up to you. We are a community here, we help out when we can. If you ask for advice, Yee shall revive. Wether you act upon it is your choice.

Sorry you took offense at an enthusiastic post trying to explain what you may be up against....which is what you were asking about

No I don't know you, but tone of your questions and reaction to input seemed to indicate you didn't have much mechanical inclination. If you do have a clue about sussing out car problems, why not just do it. find out what's malfunctioning and deal with it sooner rather than later.

Let's agree to each take a pill.

Peace, Love, and Good Brakes to All, LOL

Off to a Mount Gay mix-ur-own-rum-concoction party tonite, I'll probly be needing that pill come morning!


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