mainely subaru tag-o-rama

well, legitimitly the old tag is up for grabs again. As Bratman has run afoul of the 48 hour clause in rule 6. However, we are waiting for him to post the new tag. If he gets the new tag up before someone else gets the old tag (the pownalborough court house) and the new tag up. In short, we're still waiting, either for someone to get the old tag, and post the new one, or for Bratman to post the new one.

Well, Ryan and I are now the official tag holders! We made an adventure out of it last night....That metal, sketchy bridge on the way there.....I was not a fan.

Ryan-"I feel like batman going through the batcave."


Well, don't get too excited. It literally took us hours to come up with something that would make for an okay picture at night. But here it is!


Fun little drive out there
. I haven't been out in that neck of the woods in a LONG time.

That batcave bridge made my car feel 10x faster
. Why are they tearing it down?

Fun little drive out there
. I haven't been out in that neck of the woods in a LONG time.

That batcave bridge made my car feel 10x faster
. Why are they tearing it down?
It's rusty and old. The huge mound of dirt next to it on the Dresden side, is where the new bridge is going.

so let it be known forever henceforth, anyone who is beaten to posting the follow-up tag shell from this day forward be known as being Bramanned. as in I currently have a picture of the Evergreen tag in my phone I sure hope that I can get another tag and get it posted before someone else and Bratmans me!

tag got


new tag


the Gardiner estate castle, on route 24 between Gardiner and South Gardiner. very popular sledding spot once the snow flies, localy known as Mt. Tom, no idea why, or who this Tom guy might be.

tag got


new tag


the Gardiner estate castle, on route 24 between Gardiner and South Gardiner. very popular sledding spot once the snow flies, localy known as Mt. Tom, no idea why, or who this Tom guy might be.
Lol you pick the scariest looking spots. I could have sworn we were going to be murdered at the other one. SO CREEPY!

Comeon!!!! It ain't that tough to find this place! I promise some one grab this and move it and I'll pick it up and put it somewhere more main stream.


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