Dirt Drive Sept 29(official date)

  • Thread starter Thread starter 05RSKID
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Well I heard mention of this on some other thread and finally found this! I know it's a little late, but I was wondering if anyone still wanted/needed/or could tolerate a co-driver who wants to see some experienced off road driving. I'm definitely not comfortable driving fast on dirt roads with my WRX lowered on STI-pinks, so co-driving is my alternative.

I'm in the Cumberland Area (Yarmouth) and would prefer to be picked up but would also be willing to meet somewhere if that would make it convenient for you.

I'll probably pass on this this time if no one wants me though, I'll get other chances I'm sure.

damn man, i was looking for a navi for 3+weeks!  And i'm southern also.. I just got one a couple days ago figured out finally

Matt and I will probably take you up on last minute adjustments Nate. We need to swap to gravels and leave all seasons somewhere.While I do not intend for us to be back of the pack, we will be rolling with my full jack, toolkit, and recovery bag.
Sounds good just let me know

And there is always room in someone's car if you don't want to drive your own car. Look for and update tomorrow about how the roads are

Well I heard mention of this on some other thread and finally found this! I know it's a little late, but I was wondering if anyone still wanted/needed/or could tolerate a co-driver who wants to see some experienced off road driving. I'm definitely not comfortable driving fast on dirt roads with my WRX lowered on STI-pinks, so co-driving is my alternative.

I'm in the Cumberland Area (Yarmouth) and would prefer to be picked up but would also be willing to meet somewhere if that would make it convenient for you.

I'll probably pass on this this time if no one wants me though, I'll get other chances I'm sure.
DUDE DUDE DUDE if you're still looking to go clear your PM box and/or send me a message. I'm gonna be following the back of the group.

Also I have one spare radio if someone forgets one. You can borrow.

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I am still good for this. Car is running. RyanR and I will see all there.

My radio doesn't use security codes for frs(well its a giant pain to program them), so lets pls not use them. Straight channels only on the radios pls :-) (ie. Code 0)

Besides. The security codes aren't secure anyway. Anyone listening to the fm source can hear it, just can't tx on it.

Technically it's not a code at all. It's a PL tone. The point is so you don't have to listen to other people's transmissions in a busy environment. It has nothing at all to do with security.

Technically it's not a code at all. It's a PL tone. The point is so you don't have to listen to other people's transmissions in a busy environment. It has nothing at all to do with security.
Yep. Like I said, not secure. Lots of the frs/gmrs radios call them "security codes," so I used the term so non-radio geeks would know what I meant.

Out checking the roads as we speak so far so good. For those of you that want to store tires or work before the drive call me at 4609173 to make arrangements

how about some pics of the hardest parts. Are my stock tires going to get it done?
Yes, the speed limit on all these roads is technically 35mph. You can go fast, you can go slow. Whatever you feel comfortable with. Last time I was out there, there was some washboarding and some water crossing. Most of the crossings were pretty shallow around the edges. If you don't feel comfortable going fast on a certain part, don't. I'm probably gonna be tailing the back of the group most of the day, so if someone gets stuck or offs for whatever reason, I'll yank you out.
05RSKID, do you have an air compressor? If you do, can I stop by in the morning to air up my tires? I don't wanna pay $1 at the gas station lol.

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Yes, the speed limit on all these roads is technically 35mph. You can go fast, you can go slow. Whatever you feel comfortable with. Last time I was out there, there was some washboarding and some water crossing. Most of the crossings were pretty shallow around the edges. If you don't feel comfortable going fast on a certain part, don't. I'm probably gonna be tailing the back of the group most of the day, so if someone gets stuck or offs for whatever reason, I'll yank you out.

05RSKID, do you have an air compressor? If you do, can I stop by in the morning to air up my tires? I don't wanna pay $1 at the gas station lol.
i do but haven't wired it up yet lol so wouldnt be much help all i have at the moment is one you plug into your car.

all roads were good one water crossing is a little deep but took out the beaver dame so should be better tomorrow.  

how about some pics of the hardest parts. Are my stock tires going to get it done?
sorry didn't get any pic but you should be good just keep an eye out for rocks.  I have done it on snows and street tires just don't want to drive to aggressive on some roads

I've done this drive on arctic claws. And I mean driving HARD. Those of you who were there on the first two drives know what I mean. heh. This time I'm unfortunately on winterforces. It'll be fine.

Nate your inbox is full! 

I was wondering what time we'd be finishing up the drive tomorrow. Any ideas? I've got some commitments I've got to be back for so I just need to make sure that going to this is feasible.

Ok so I'm blind or can't read or something. When is everyone meeting at the milford on the run?


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