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  1. Chris

    The Official Craigslist Thread

    Ryan's had a bad valve that just broke in half. Can't really fault them for that, and they did their part and paid for most or all of it? I can't remember the exact details. It's running fine now, though.
  2. Chris

    The Official Craigslist Thread

    They charged about $75 to deck heads for my motor, and they came out damn nice. I didn't have them do anything else, though. Because I can take care of valves and stuff myself.
  3. Chris

    The Official Craigslist Thread

    They're an engine machine shop in Gardiner. They're pretty good, but sometimes they can take a while getting things done.
  4. Chris

    *OFFICIAL* Snow Thread

    Yep, I have a nice metal spade with the handle cut down so it fits in my car. You're best off just lifting your car so you don't get stuck as much, though But when you do get a lifted car stuck..... It's usually REALLY stuck.
  5. Chris

    *OFFICIAL* Snow Thread

    I'm hoping for a snow day, really, really bad.
  6. Chris

    *OFFICIAL* Snow Thread

    I haven't even started my car for 2 weeks... It's dark and cold out. I'd rather drink beer than go drifting, beer is cheaper than gas anyway.
  7. Chris

    *OFFICIAL* Snow Thread

    I'm too anti-social to work anywhere besides sitting at my desk by myself lol.
  8. Chris

    *OFFICIAL* Snow Thread

    If only I could safely assume tomorrow is gonna be a snow day.... Since I can't do that, I'm chained down to my desk until all this work is done.
  9. Chris


    If you want to use the newer style tensioner, just swap the bracket on the block. IIRC it's held on with 3 bolts.
  10. Chris


    You don't need to swap the ecu. Your 5speed 99 outback has egr. Whether the 2.2 has egr or not, it'll plug into the wiring and work fine with the stock 99 outback computer. Again, you'll need the single port exhaust manifold. If the 2.2 doesn't have EGR, all that'll happen is it'll throw a...
  11. Chris


    You almost certainly bent valves. Close the valves for each cylinder one at a time and do a leakdown.
  12. Chris


    The 98 2.2 (assuming it's not an early phase2 impreza motor (you need it to have the funky shaped valve covers)) will be a direct drop in replacement. But you will need the single port exhaust manifold with it. The sohc 2.5 won't work without a lot of work.
  13. Chris


    Yes, just unbolt the driveshaft from the diff, and make sure you securely tie it off to something so it doesn't drag on the ground. That's a fine way of towing.
  14. Chris


    You can also put phase1 ej22 heads on there if you swap to the 2.2 intake manifold. They're more simple, and raise your compression... It's a fun swap for shits and giggles. And it would get you up and going easier.
  15. Chris

    Chevrolet parts

    DO IT! Open light only allows 2.6L, though...
  16. Chris

    Northern Meet February 2014: Blaze

    Yikes they're expensive. I'll show up and hang out, though.
  17. Chris

    Northern Meet February 2014

    Justin said the 22nd, and I guess I fail at calendar/was being vague. For me vacation starts on Friday afternoon, not after the weekend lol.
  18. Chris

    Northern Meet February 2014

    Weekend before vacation works for me, I have no life so I'll be free. I'm down for going wherever.
  19. Chris

    Rally in the 100 acre wood

    I'm jealous, that's gonna be cool!  