Northern Meet February 2014: Blaze


DRiVe SiDeWayZ
BLAZE - Craft Beer and Wood Fired Flavors


Friday February 21, 2014

18 Broad St. Bangor, ME 04401

(207) 922 - 2660

Meet behind downtown parking garage at 6pm

Head inside at 630pm

Let me know who we have coming!

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Be aware that Blaze may be a little pricey for the college/younger crowd. Yeah it's pizza, but it's not 99¢ a slice....

Bump! This is friday!

We can park along the river behind the parking garage.

So 12 as of now...will update.

I dunno if I'm gonna make it. Wicked tired and shitty feeling all week. And my car is gonna need a new clutch installed over break (I really don't feel like doing that, but oh well) which leaves me with negative money. Sadly, I'll probably have to give this one a miss.

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