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  1. Spiller1327

    who rebuilds turbos?

    Aahahah alright then!
  2. Spiller1327

    who rebuilds turbos?

    I got the td04 off ray for 20 bucks. So I just wanted to mess with it. Maybe rebud it and clean it and slap it on my car!
  3. Spiller1327

    who rebuilds turbos?

    Title says it! I've got a td04 and a vf39 both with shaft play. Do people rebuild them themselves? Is their a company who rebuilds them? Are my turbos completely useless?
  4. Spiller1327

    Spillers 02 wrx wagon

    True that! I'll try changing the tranny fluid this weekend maybe!
  5. Spiller1327

    My RS-T build

    Matt black plastidip
  6. Spiller1327

    My RS-T build

    Did u walboro 255 that thing?
  7. Spiller1327

    Spillers 02 wrx wagon

    Its probably gonna end up happening in the fall. I'm gonna be a ghost all summer and bank my change for a serious car build in the fall! 6 speed with the dccd
  8. Spiller1327

    Spillers 02 wrx wagon

    I want a racecar tranny damn it! Im pretty sure no gear goes in with 2 fingers on this thing
  9. Spiller1327

    Spillers 02 wrx wagon

    My tranny does not like first gear at all. Only ever goes in when at a dead stop. and above 3 grand it grinds into 4th! I think if the Scotties doesn't work than its time for a new tyranny anyway
  10. Spiller1327

    My RS-T build

    Fmic on a td04 lol
  11. Spiller1327

    Spillers 02 wrx wagon

    New tune with the grimmspeed controller in bleed mode! We couldn't get it to tune right in interrupt mode! But it pulls harder with the 93 octane map! My next purchases are gonna be a new gauge pod with a wideband to make tuning easier! Gonna be really useful when I go stage three in the fall
  12. Spiller1327

    My RS-T build

    Wing off don't listen to her!
  13. Spiller1327

    Spillers 02 wrx wagon

    I'm only gonna run it for 6 thousand miles and then switch to redline shockproof oil
  14. Spiller1327

    My RS-T build

    Sweet stuff man. Post more pics of the fmic and stuff! There's way more done to it than you lead to believe
  15. Spiller1327

    Spillers 02 wrx wagon

    Look it up! Supposedly its a miracle formula
  16. Spiller1327

    Spillers 02 wrx wagon

    Getting my car tuned today and installing my grimmspeed boost controller! Also gonna order the ingredients for uncle Scotty's transmission cocktail! Pretty exciting day!
  17. Spiller1327

    RSL-15, 17x7 black with polished lip rims

    Ahahha MY rims.
  18. Spiller1327

    02 wrx drivers fender

    We should rent a uhaul van jointly and travel down and pick up all the goodies we need! Works
  19. Spiller1327


    Sure the silver rex with the black hood wasn't a wagon? I live in wiscasset