
Just to clarify my post from before; It was a sedan. and they wheels were stockers that were clearly painted red. It also had a couple of cobb stickers on it.

Dude in a red MS shirt walking around in front of my house on the Easter Prom. Then as I was enjoying a beer on my porch seconds later a red LGT (I assume the same guy) went by. blmpkn if it was you I did not recognize you for some reason. Anybody on the prom can drop by for a beer at all times!

Saw a lowered black first or second gen forester with pink wheels on rt 1 going south yesterday. was stuck in traffic. never seen it before.

White 05-07 LGT lowered with black wheels parked outside the Verizon store in Sanford with a for sale sign.
I've seen this too.  Car looks good.  I haven't stopped to look at the mileage or anything like that though.  Wonder if he/she works at one of the stores there?

White 05-07 LGT lowered with black wheels parked outside the Verizon store in Sanford with a for sale sign.
Just saw that LGT as we were passing through about an hour ago and was nudging Maria to look at it. Looks clean. Just before that waved to a red blobeye WRX with a black hood scoop as we were passing Thai Koon or thereabouts in Sanford and just before that spotted a WRB Blobeye STI with White racing stripes in Springvale. Also, saw a CGM Blobeye STI in Conway with Maine Plates.

Wednesday got a wave from a green GC OBS on Rt 160 in Parsonsfield. Also, saw a Silver Blobeye WRX Wagon, I think we were in Falmouth, later that day. We exchanged waves. I then saw a newer WRX/STI on 295 in Portland I was headed south you were headed north I waved at the last minute. Then saw a Black Hawkeye STi on 95 headed north as we were headed south gave him a headlight flash and think I got a wave. 

Saw my car twin (but black wheels) roll past me at a light in Westbrook while waiting to turn earlier tonight.

Dude in a red MS shirt walking around in front of my house on the Easter Prom. Then as I was enjoying a beer on my porch seconds later a red LGT (I assume the same guy) went by. blmpkn if it was you I did not recognize you for some reason. Anybody on the prom can drop by for a beer at all times!
That was me! Haha I was muggin your car I was going to come over and talk for a sec but you looked a little busy with those floor mats haha. Sweet ride dude

Sent from my SAMSUNG Galaxy Note 2

Keep seeing a purplish newer wrx with a woman driving near the Gorham Hannaford.  Also had got the doors blown off by a white forester xt flying by me at the lights in Scarborough on rt 25.  Looked like it had Cali plates on  it.  On the same road going the other way a swp wrx sedan with and exhaust.

Bduals yesterday around 11am at the Shell station in Sanford gassing up. You wouldn't have seen me, as I was with my wife in her CR-V.

Saw a lowered black first or second gen forester with pink wheels on rt 1 going south yesterday. was stuck in traffic. never seen it before.

I don't know who that is but he /she works at pape Subaru see it there all time
the forester with the pink wheels belongs to Scott at Pape Subaru. He's a service writer there.

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