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  1. E

    In before the close!

    I interrupted his Battlefield ;] He just said, "Tell him, that since I'm graduating in a few days, I'm about to have a lot of free time on my hands." I feel like we're being trolled.  This will NEVER END, but on the bright side there have been many heart-warming, friendly conversations on this...
  2. E

    In before the close!

    TJ drills everything I need to know about things with wheels and motors into my head.  Overandoverandoverandoverandover.
  3. E

    In before the close!

    Sea Foam for days.
  4. E


    Hahaha that was so scary.
  5. E

    In before the close!

    Haha yeahhhh, I made mine stage 2 on Tuesday O_O Hoh-lee crap.
  6. E

    In before the close!

    Murica. Oh I know, I'm just saying that I need two because I already have two.
  7. E

    In before the close!

    Hahahaha I always shift between 3-3.5k.  I bet I'd get better than 27 if I took my snow tires off.  I just need to get around to buying two tires, since I have two summers that came with it -___-
  8. E


    He's my neighbor!  Nice guy.
  9. E

    In before the close!

    Wow, 19?!  What does he have done to it?  I haven't checked my mpg since the other day when I filled it last, so it's probably going to be significantly worse now that I tuned it hahahaha.
  10. E

    In before the close!

    YUP!!  It depends on where I'm driving around, but I generally get 27.  There will be the odd tank where I KNOW I compromised it, like this one haha, but usually I get 27!  I was AMAZED when I checked the milage the first time, cause I had a VR6 GTI before this, and THAT got about 30, and I was...
  11. E

    In before the close!

    Oh my god O_O.  I get 27!!
  12. E

    In before the close!

    You can feel it lose power haha.  It is a great car though, 40k on it!!  What's on yours? what do you get for fuel milage?! 
  13. E

    In before the close!

    She loses oil pressure at about 67; 70 is REAL scary.  Death defying, even. And speaking of death-defying, I tuned my WRX to stage 2 a few days ago...woooooooaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. Immediately thereafter, since I had to test it out, of course, I sped up Island ave. to find a statie...
  14. E

    Staaaaaaaggggeeeeee tttwwwwwooooooo :]

    Staaaaaaaggggeeeeee tttwwwwwooooooo :]
  15. E

    Member Names to Real Names and Faces

    Put pictures up of you and your long hair.  Or the Focus you had in high school; "Focus powerrrrr!!!!".
  16. E

    In before the close!

    I want to O_O.  Since mine's Cranberry, I either want to keep it that way, and do a deeper matte cranberry, like the color shown on those rims, which is the ONLY place I can find it (you actually told me to message the company about...
  17. E

    In before the close!

    ALLY I WASHED MY CAR TODAY.  I thought of you.  And then I saw all of the missing paint flecks and decided it needs to be dipped ASAP -____-
  18. E


    Awww I must have spaced out :[  I would have waved had I payed attention!!!! Wait, here we go...   Does that work haha?
  19. E


    Bugeye WRXs for days... I was in mine (maroon) on campus at UMO, and saw two following each other, a WRB one then a silver one, and then I saw a white one in the parking lot.
  20. E

    In before the close!

    I'm probably last as usual, but has anyone else seen this?  I love it hahaha!