
Spotted a silver lgt with tint,black and red rims, hids and huge exhaust tips at the Walmart in Scarborough.

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Let's see... busy day of spotting for me!

7:20ish this morning - Blue Bugeye wagon, WRX I believe, yellow foglights, sitting at the stoplights off the 95 Biddeford Exit.  I was turning to go on the Pike.  Gave you a wave.  

7:45ish this morning - Silver WRX sedan, 2010+ (thought it might have been Joe, but I didn't see the lightbar on the front) coming off the Portland Jetport exit.  I was coming out of the Park & Ride.  He gave me a "hang ten" wave!  

6:15ish tonight - Shaw's Parking Lot in Sanford.  Tagged a red 2009+ STI hatch.  Black tinted tails, tinted windows.  Looked nice.  Plate said NA5TI.  I think you were in Shaw's grabbing a 12 pack of Sam!  I was waiting to get my RedBox movie.  I parked right next to you, but when I came out, you were gone.  I was going to chat with ya!
I was the 7:45 encounter!!!

Seen a white and purple wrx in mechanic falls yesterday, waved, but no wave back. Then a wrb wrx in auburn by dennys,, no wave again, abd a black rs sedan with red flaps at Oxford walmart

Disappeared during a drift event. Ill find another soon enough a d figure out what rims and tires to give her.

Spotted Bduals last night around 4:30ish at Sleeper's Market in Sanford.  I was with my wife in the CR-V.  Looks like your wife was sitting in the passenger's seat.

Spotted a two tone blobeye on 109 in Sanford last night by the Airport.  Top half of car was black, bottom half was WRB.  

Spotted a Maroon bugeye WRX at Walmart in Sanford last night too.  Gold rims.

Black blobeye STI w/ white BBS rims at the Alfred Country Store last night as well.  

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Bugeye WRXs for days... I was in mine (maroon) on campus at UMO, and saw two following each other, a WRB one then a silver one, and then I saw a white one in the parking lot.

WRB96Impreza?????? headed to Saddleback??????
That was me
where did you see me?

Just saw ally going south on 95 near Saco.
 I was headed to go do Tylers struts with him, Devin, Ryan, and Rick 

shoutout to whoever put the card on my car today haha i was already a part of the forums but thanks for the recognition. 

i was in rockland parked at the steel pro parking lot


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