^^^^^^Do you know where one could come by some good heads? And just for the sake of conversion, I would assume it would probably need one or more pistons?
Kind of just as I suspected. But I hadn't been here for awhile, so it's nice to make conversation. I am/had thought some about the 3.0, but it sure seems there a lot more GTs available. Probably for the turbo reason.
Well now the fun of the hunt.......
I have done some reading on this, but want to "hear" some more opinions.
We are considering a new to us car. Interested in a legacy platform. We would like to have the power of a turbo. One issue is the "bad bearings" problem. Is it really a problem? About what mileage does it tend to show up...
Dave; MAYBE 9*, but add in the 10-20 mph breeze, years of frosted fingertips, and it don't take long for my fingers to go numb. And I am at the store until 7pm. WAH_WAH_WAH!!!!!!1
And BTW, don't believe everything you read on the internets.
Our 2004 Forester XT has developed a gas smell, mostly when it is cold, just like the '02 WRX's do/did. I suspect it is the same fuel hose contracting issue. Is that a known issue with other models? I also realize it could quite possibly be the fact that the car is 9yrs old with 150k(ish) miles...
I know they are not technically a vendor, but........................
So.... I call EG at 7:50 am. I get to Adam's voice mail. Explain my situation. At like 7:55 he calls me back.
Me; "I messed up one of the rocker cover gaskets I got from you last Thu. Do you have another?"
Adam; "I will...
Thanks for the offer. There is some kind of point I think you are trying to make, I just CAN"T figure out what you are saying. I found one (with 20 lug nuts) at Advance Auto in Mehico. I am kinda stuck useing tuner lugs. They are the only ones that will fit the summer wheels I have...
Welllllllll, I got another gasket. Got everything put back together. Seems good.
Time to change wheels/tires. One wheel changed and I break my damned "tuner lugs" socket. @***&%@###^&!!!!!!!!!!! Does anyone know where I can get one in a hurry to finish tire swap?????
I need to get the whole rocker cover gasket issue resolved, then the snow tires will go on the FXT. I'm trying like hell to get them on before this possible storm coming. My wife drives this car to and from work ( about 45 miles, round trip.) She would feel a lot better with them on, thereby...