Legacy/Outback Turbo vs N/A


I have done some reading on this, but want to "hear" some more opinions.

We are considering a new to us car. Interested in a legacy platform. We would like to have the power of a turbo. One issue is the "bad bearings" problem. Is it really a problem? About what mileage does it tend to show up? Or is it a case of people beating on the cars?


i think people will agree with me in saying that the legacy turbos esp. model years around 05' have problems if left unchecked (banjo bolts/oil starvation issues) but with a couple modifications these problems can be mostly prevented.

in saying that, the turbo makes it much more fun

You got a few more to go. The early legacy turbos had issues at higher miles if the screen wasn't removed. I don't think anything else had problems.

the lgt has slightly more power than the 3.0r, but has turbo lag and all the other issues that were associated with them

Avoid all 05 turbos. Honestly I'd go 3.0R or 2.5i.you have the issue of oiling on the 05s, and then the later years they used a different piston maker after 07.

People will say "yeah if you do the right mods they'll be okay." But they're old enough that the damage is done at this point IMO.

It is a pain in the ass when they blow up. Rad and I both dealt with it. To the point where he got rid of his and got a 3.0.

Kind of just as I suspected. But I hadn't been here for awhile, so it's nice to make conversation. I am/had thought some about the 3.0, but it sure seems there a lot more GTs available. Probably for the turbo reason.

Well now the fun of the hunt.......

I second the 3.0r votes. We picked up a 2008 for my wife and it's a really great car. It's basically a SpecB but N/A.

i loved my 05 LGT for the power but as everyone has said they have problems i say go 3.0R


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