02 wrx max boost with stage two

ok we found out why it wasn't acting right. but in the proccess we got 22.9 psi out of stock tdo4! . he has a turbo xs ecu and that's why it wouldn't take the flash from access port. and I have personally seen rays dads wrx boost 18 on the access port read out .its not like a constant 18 but under high load.
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where not idiots where not running it on 22 psi... and what r u saying about pull the utec its not an 03?
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we wanted to know if the turbo was bad so we unhooked the wast gate . yes I kno its dangerous and stuped and blah de blah de blah . then we drove it really easy . the boost spiked so we knew the turbo was good . didnt run it for more then a millisecond with that much boost . then we hooked up the wast gate again. we saw it hit 22.9 on a super easy role on.

just so ya know: you guys are playing with fire here...either dial back the boost to 17 or 18, and make triple sure your timing and fuel maps are spot-on.

even then you're still tuning by trial and error, so prepare your bud for the big boom.

solving the questions you're seeking is why dynos were invented.

you guys arnt understanding what we did .. it was a quick test to see if the turbo was good . he is not running it like that now .its all hooked up right only running 13.5 max . once we saw that it boosted we hooked it all back up


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