05rskids 02 RS

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I figured I would edit this and do a full wright up of what I have gone through so far with my 02 RS.  I had a nice lifted 05 rs as most of you have seen but this winter she had a date with a telephone pole and the pole won!


So after the accident I went on the hunt for a new car and seeing as I had a loan on this one and it got paid off buy the insurance i decided I no longer wanted a car payment.  And was just looking for a cheap car to fix up.  So after a few days of looking I found the 02 rs with 170k on it for $1000 and the add said it had some rust and was going to need a clutch and maybe cam seals.  So I figured this was a great deal and call the guy and talked back and forth a few time and told hime I would do $800 cash with out seeing it as long as the sub frame was good.  So he tells me the sub frame is solid and not rotten.

I drive down to were he had the car and first thing I do is jack up the car and look under the car and all i had to do is tap the sub frame with my light and wala there was a hole.  SO being pissed off about that i talk about price again since he told me that was solid and ended up getting it for $660.

here is a pic from when I picked her up.

subi project3.jpg

So now that I had myself a new car I decided to buy back the 05 I totaled for around $1400 and still got $2800 to play with after the car was paid off.  Once I got that all take car of I figured I would swap the 70k motor and tranny from the 05 into the 02 and the 90k rear end.So i had my 05 towed to my work to start taking her apart.  I decided to just drop the sub frame with the motor and tranny since they both were coming out anyway.

subi project.jpg

Now that I had the motor and tranny out I figured I would get a new clutch and fly wheel and do headgaskets and a timing belt to the motor before she went back in.  So i ordered a light weight fly wheel and stage two clutch and new head gaskets timing belt water pump ect. Since the motor was out of an 07 it had all the electronics on the heads so I figured i would just put on the 05 heads I had from my last motor.  So once the headgaskets and timing were done I noticed the motor wouldn't rotate all the way it would only go so far and then just stop.  So i knew i had a problem somewhere.  And the problem being the heads are completely different from 05 to 07 so I tore it all back down so I could put the 07 Heads back on.  Once those were on and she was back together everything was working like it should.

So the next weekend i was ready to do the full swap so I pulled the motor  and the tranny in the 02 the same way i did the 05 and I also pulled out the rear sub frame and rear end out of both cars.  Once every thing was out I swapped over the 05 sub frame and rear end in to the 02 and the started bolting the motor and tranny together so i could set it on the new shinny sub frame i bought for it and lowered the car back onto the sub frame.  Me and a friend managed to do all this in one day but it was a long day 9am to 1am the next morning.  We had the car all back together and ready to test fire but all she wanted to do was turn over and over but nothing so being such a long day we called it quits.

opps I almost forgot I had to pull the motor back out because i had the wrong clutch in the car and fly wheel.  I wasn't paying attention to when i ordered it and ended up with a wrx clutch not and rs one  Which is a big difference since one is push style and the other is pull.

The next day I dug a little deaper and the motor was setting codes for the cam and crank sensor so I swapped out the crank but still nothing and i also pulled it apart to check the timing again to see if i messed up there.  though maybe i was 180 out so i reset every thing again and nothing.  So at this point I called it a night and posted on here to see what my problem was.  I got the answer pretty quick from meyagi that it was the cam and crank gears that i had to change.  So I took the timing all apart again and the the gears of the 02 motor I took out and then put her all back together and the I finally had a running car again.

Paying respects to the former rs but the transplant was a success.

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The car had horrible  tail lights on it so I decided to take the ones from the 05 and put the on to the 02


subi 2.jpg



I also like the look of the wing trunk better and I am planing on painting the whole car soon I figured i would take the trunk off the 05 and paint it the new color for the car and put in on the 02.

subi project2.jpg

The other areas the car needed love was the roof above the windshield was rotten pretty bad but no holes so i have novus glass take out the window so I could sand and paint that part of the roof and then had them put the window back in. 




subi 7.jpg



And the passenger rear wheel well by the rear door was so dented in I could put my hand between the wheel well and the door when it was closed.  so with a little henp from a 10 lb hammer she was looking close to new.

subi 5.jpg


I know most of these pics were in my other car thread but I wanted to edit this one and have all pics plus the full story lol

And now to continue the story lol.  I decided to go out to the stud mill on day with Rob (rezpunk) and have fun driving around before my mothers day dinner with my mom in bangor.  So we were out the for a hour or so and had just gone down one of my  favorite road so i was ripping on it pretty good on the way back through the all of a sudden i hurt a loud knocking noise and was like o $h!t and pulled over and the motor stalled.  I already knew she was blown so we let her cool down for a bit and decided to get it as close to home as I could.  So on we went making lovely noises under the hood and got the about 3 miles or so from the main rd before she came to a slow stop.

Lucky I still had the motor from the car when I bought it so I did head gaskets and timing belt on that motor wich has 173k on it and put that back in.  This time everything went smoothly, she fired right up and after wot moment she was running good.  Then I noticed a small coolant leak which ended up being the bypass tube that's under the intake.  But I had a good one on the old motor so I took the intake back off so i could replace it and no she is running strong and I feel it has more power the the 07 motor with out having the heads activated.

I picked up a light bar last week off subarude and decided to sand it down to bare metal (she was a little flaky) then repainted it.


Painted with white plasti dip

Also decided to paint my rims with white plasti dip

Will look much better once car is black and tinted out.  Have the doors all painted just have to put them on and paint the rest of the car.

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Is that purple?.....
haha no its flat black but i can see y you think it looks purple.  and the roof will be painted just didnt have time and ran out of paint the night before nefr

Coming along good. Nice work man
thanks. roof rack soon to come

Looks black. I'm really liking the color combo with the rimz and bar. Awesome! 
thanks will look great once the roof is painted.  thought about painting it white lol

So my windows decided not to work anymore and instead of spending hours tracking down a broken wire I made a jumper.


Yea I have a bad wire going into the fuse block so just doing this as a temporary fix so I can use my windows. Don't have working ac.

Don't try this at home lol


Was a long 20 mile drive and might need a new decking on the trailer but better then paying for a tow


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