2012/2013 Snow drifting video thread

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Yea...don't think that's going to work. lame......

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I totally forgot that the Lowe's in Biddeford is wide open because they went out of business. However, the cops there can be DB's.

Scarborough lowes has seen them once but just because like 15 people showed up. Smaller groups are better and safer


Me and my friend messing around in the gorham high school parking lot on Monday. Should have got a vid of us going around the round about in gorham on 202

you guys need to get more vids up im in TN there is no snow and im missing the drifting up north

A few years ago before I got my subaru, but it has a pretty funny ending:

I'll have to make some in my wrx..... also should've had some filming done when I had an outback rental at the loaf a few weeks ago.

I have a good POV video of me drifting around a pole but I say the f word when a random car pulls up at the end Bc they jumped me... Allowed to post it?????

Why what? Idk if I'm gonna get crap for posting a vid with a bad word or get it deleted....????

Ah yes Ben, I remember that heep. (Hehe even my phone autocorrected that to jeep) remember to tighten your nuts!

No, why did you get jumped???
Ohh bc it was just me in a parking lot doing donuts then i look up and just see headlights facing me. Windham cops are dbags and im already fighting 2 tickets so i was like crap! but it was another subaru watching that just showed up haha

To funny. Well, just having fun in a private lot, have you gotten a ticket? I am not talking about a school or other PUBLIC property where the police have jurisdiction.

To funny. Well, just having fun in a private lot, have you gotten a ticket? I am not talking about a school or other PUBLIC property where the police have jurisdiction.
The laws changed is what I was told. A cop wrote me a ticket for tire noise in wal mart, but as far as drifting in snow, no tickets or cop trouble yet. I asked him this summer "but isn't it private property?" And the law says now that it doesn't matter if its private. Some technicality allowing them to write tickets in parking lots pretty much. It's crap.

i dont think that's true. ill ask my buddy whos a sgt
Yeah get his opinion. I went to court over it and they filed it, either because they realized crap! We are in the wrong! Or they knew how it would turn out if I presented my case to a judge. They told me the law was that they had te right to. Though they could have told me anything... Let me know what he says if you get a chance. As far as I knew beforehand, wal mart, for ex, had to press the charged themselves. Not windham doing it.


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