8-12 Weeks

cover it in mud as much as possible....

I dunno, the new look isn't all that appealing to me, I like the wide body style my self. but its yours not mine, lucky bum =p.

The car will be coming in on the 25th.

The port confirmed all parts are in. It has been at the port since the 28th of March. This has been the longest wait for anything in my life. All my after market parts have been here for 2 weeks and are driving me crazy. I have to look at them everyday, it's killing me.

The parts list will be coming soon.... it's quite large!!

I will do a new thread when it gets under way. The guys plan on ripping into the car as soon as it comes off the truck. They are very excited to tear apart a brand new car. Must get asked atleast 20 times a day if the car is in yet. They also are wondering what is in all the boxes in my bay


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